What do 5 cousins under the age of three look like?
Well, they look like 2 double strollers and a single stroller, 2 pack-n-plays & one crib in the hotel, 4 high chairs at restaraunts, and 2 cars with 5 car seats but of course!
Well, they look like 2 double strollers and a single stroller, 2 pack-n-plays & one crib in the hotel, 4 high chairs at restaraunts, and 2 cars with 5 car seats but of course!

(Sory to cut off all the heads of the grown-ups.. but no one looked at us all weekend anyways! It was all about the babies!)
This is my familia in Indy on Saturday cheering on my sister & her husband as they ran in the Indy Mini Marathon. I still think we should have decorated the wheels with crape paper like a real parade. Do it right, yah know?
Yep, you heard it... my sister that has 11 month old twins and has been training for and RAN a mini marathon on Saturday!! That's 13.1 miles, oh yeah!
I am so proud of her!

And so are Drew and Gavin. =)
They are finally here for almost 3 weeks and it is choatic with my sisters boys, my brothers two boys and Adie. It is so, so fun though. If my mom weren't in heaven already and was here to be with all her grandbabies at once, this would be her heaven on earth. =)
I'm sure I will have many more posts of the boys & Denise's visit. =)
And OH MY GOSH are we blessed? Adie recieved two early b-day gifts for her upcoming first b-day on Saturday. Wanna guess what they were?

Adie know has two first Vera's! Thank you Amy and Bobbie!
Adie says thank you and is completely in love with them...

She says, "Now THAT is a stylish purse!"
And OH MY GOSH are we blessed? Adie recieved two early b-day gifts for her upcoming first b-day on Saturday. Wanna guess what they were?

Adie know has two first Vera's! Thank you Amy and Bobbie!
Adie says thank you and is completely in love with them...

She says, "Now THAT is a stylish purse!"
And what does a one year old do with her new Vera?
Why put her phone and keys in them, but of course!


what a FUN post! :) love the photos of all the babies geared up for the race. and whoohooo to your sister for running a 1/2 marathon! my sister just did her first half marathon last week and i went to cheer her on! so fun! :) and lovin' adie's new baggage...super cute! :)
YEAAAAAAHHH!!! I'm so glad she liked her purse and wow did it get there fast! :) When I saw your discipline at that Vera sale, I was SO proud of you and I HAD to send one for her! Oh, she's so cute with her pink purses!!!
your sister ROCKS!!
I can't imagine running one mile 11 months after...yet alone 13.1. WOWSA. she is an amazing woman. enjoy the time they are here.
Hey Darce! So glad Adie got her new purses! Mom told me she did that and I just knew you would be thrilled:) By the way, I decided to start a blog! Think I'm going to need your help and input on how to get my page going:)
ok, SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO impressed by your sister! thats an insane accomplishment!!! go girl!
love that all the cousins are together, too cute! wish that jessica had all those fun cousins.
and adie and i share the same vera pattern, she's got good taste ;)
WOW, your sister should be so proud of herself :) that's awesome!!!
love Adie's little purse, she'll get so much use out of it. so fun & girly :)
enjoy all the fun & craziness of those little cousins, what an amazing (& crazy!) time :)
Oh how fun!! all those little ones.. i bet you are the rest of the crew are all worn out. Simple solution me and my friends baby sit for all the little ones and you go out with your family free of charge of course.. just a suggestion! Hope you are having a wonderful time with the family
Tag! You're it, check out my most recent post. Ps. Loved your previous post about the vera outlet...totally jealous :) I would have been one of those crazy people loaded up and hoarding in a corner trying to pick what i wanted to keep! lol.
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