Be aware.. you are about ready to be loaded with pictures!
I gave myself last week off because a certain person was in town so I'm super behind in updating my blog with photo shoots!
It had been a year since we've seen each other because she lives in Washington State. My brother in law shot this picture of the 3 of us. =)

We also did a little photo shoot of my sister's family and my brother's family. I'll then update you on all the shoots I've done that haven't made it on the ol' blog yet. So be aware.. lotsa pictures on this post!

And here's the S family! Two older brother's to these cutie little girls.. they were SUCH a fun family to shoot!
Grandpa brought a cool old car for us. SO COOL!
My exposure was TOTALLY wrong in this pictures (i was in the sun and they were in the shade) but it made a pretty cool picture!
Another huggie-bear, kissy-face pic.
I think we wiped out Miss K!
Eldest bro... he liked to be serious in his pictures. =)
Got a few more smiles out of the other big bro. =)
You can see the personality in this little girl, can't you!?
Little baby doll face!
They had the coolest props.. check out this other old car!

And Mr. K's 3 year shoot! He's Adie's bud.. just 6 days apart. =)
This week is stuffed full of sectionals for boys and girls for Darin and 3 photo shoots for me! I'll try to get a "real" non-photography post in this week, k?
Great photos! You have been busy!
Darce! I love your hair, looks so cute. AND...when did Jett get the message he could grow up and look like a teenager already? He looks like such a young man now :) Great pictures.....all of the grandkids are so cute.
Mr K. is actually Mr. I=) It's ok Darce!....had lots of people to upload this post!You have taken so many great pics here lately!!
You, my friend, are talented :) Seriously. HUgs!
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