I usually talk to my sister every day. Cept for the beginning of summer break. Her voicemail even said that the other day, "I know Darin's home now and you are trying to figure out your schedule..." she knows me too well.

A curious little 13 month old that likes to step on my page and give it a big ol' crease. =( As seen below on the left hand side of the page...

Wee-Wee also got his summer haircut. He ditched his bangs for eye brows.. cracks me up!
Been doing a tad bit of shopping for cruise attire. Tomorrow is the "big" day of shopping.. doing with my friend that's coming with us, Melissa and Shelly. Like "we're leaving at 1pm and shopping until we the stores close" shopping trip. Oh, and Melissa is bringing her hubby Zack too. That last sentance kinda sounded like it was Darin and I and Melissa. Um, WEIRD!
Can't. Wait.
We leave for the bahamas in less than a month.
Found my dress & jewlery for formal night!
Darin said the neclace looks like a wind charm. Silly boy...
And it's not so "sun dress-ish" looking in person... more formal. =)
Darin keeps asking me, "What project do you want me to do next?" which is music to my ears. Today we added some touches to Adie's farm house room that have been on my list for like a year now. So embarassing to admit. =/ My friend Kelsey asked to see the girls' room last blog and yeah, need to put MANY finishing touches on Adie's room, that's for sure! Like her house/loft still isn't painted so I'll show you a picture when it's painted. That's an example of a "big" finishing touch. HA! Hope to have it done this summer. I hope. =/
Anywho.. here we go! She now has a kite...

Don't mind Joya.. she's having a mid-morning spot of tea.
Here's another picture of the clothes line...
your dress is gorgeous! Love that color--will look really good with a Bahamas tan=) SO wish we could go:( mega bummed!
I love that dress! Did you get anything good at The Revolving Closet?
And those flowers in Joya's room are adorable!
LOVE THE ROOM! SO AWESOME! and i love the little cutie having tea :)
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