Monday, August 20, 2012

1st day of school

She's been waiting for this for months. 



My baby.. you know, the one that I just brought home from the hospital flipping out that we had to somehow figure out how to make her keep living? 

Yeah.. that's right, it's her.

She went to kindergarten today. 

Her outfit has been picked out for over a week. Yesterday she finished her "look" with a crazy bright hair piece from Claire's.

I think she was the cutest kindergartner around. 

After we captured the picture of her by the front door I grabbed a picture of her with her sister's. 

As you can see Joya is pretty proud of the hair extension that Adie let her borrow. 

I can't stop laughing at her facial expression!

And had to take a picture of her in front of the school going in!

And if you look closer you can see the tears in my eyes.. it was HARD! I was excited for her but it was HARD to hand her over to someone else for 8 hours a day!  She's been at home with me for over 5 years now!

Here she is at her desk.

And her locker where her gym shoes are housed and hopefully the jean jacket that she's wearing.  It's MIA at the moment... it didn't make it home today.
That dag-gone hair extension did, tho. 
But of course. 

And she really wants to ride the bus so I talked her into letting me take her this morning and then she'll ride the bus from here on out. I also promised her that I wouldn't wait on the porch with my fat camera every day waiting to capture her getting off the bus. 
Pretty soon that's not going to be "cool" anymore. 
Heck, probably wasn't "cool" today but she overlooked it because she was so eager to tell me about art class, the square pizza at lunch and the fact that she used the bathroom 3 times today!

Hopefully through the years she'll keep telling me very important things like she didn't enjoy the Fiber One granola bar I sent for snack time (um, need to grocery shop), that a little guy fell asleep at rest time and that she went to the bathroom 3 times.

(Guess the Fiber One bar worked a little too quickly)

I want to know everything.
Cuz I handed over my baby to school today. 
For 8 hours. 
Every day.
5 days a week.
9 months of the year.

Ahh.. it makes it so much easier that she loves it.

Here's to the next (at least) 13 years of her life!


Dina said...

I'm so excited for Adie!!! Sounds like a great first day :). And that whole "going to the bathroom 3 times" is impressive for a newb! Haha

emily0717 said...

Wow! Now that I'm a mom, i understand the gravity of the situation! That's a lot of time! :) hugs to you during the transition (and i think i spy silver Tom's - you got a pair)

Myra of Mommy+Me Lunchbox said...

So funny. I had the opposite pictures... multi-frame shots of C getting on the bus. Since I was at work, the hubby didn't do a good job with any pictures of her getting off the bus. And I totally agree with her on the Fiber One bars! LOL

Kat said...

SOOO so cute!

Jessica's kinder is only 3.5 hours, so that makes it a lot easier on me :) Love that she wants to take the bus, and that it drops off at your front door! We don't even have buses in our district anymore, stupid budget cuts :(

Kevin Flick said...

Stop.It! I handed my baby over 2 weeks and 3 days ago. I was doing ok until I read this post and here I am crying again because I GET IT! It is hard! They should really offer counseling to parents who have such a hard time! Praying for you! Praying it is easier. My little girl LOVES it as well and that does make it easier. I can't imagine doing it if she was crying and hated it.