Friday, May 19, 2006

Bad Blogger..

Sorry I haven't been a good bloggy-blogger this past week! Life's been moving at about 150 miles per hour. Darin and I work best at this speed, but this week my blog got put on the back burner!! =/

My boss-man just gave me a total BARF job to do so I'm going to go become best friends with the copy machine. Ah... am I on the beach yet? Oh yeah, that's in 7 days. =)

I'll end with this page I did of my most recent family picture taken at Jett's 1st b-day party. This was yet another healing page to do.

Journaling reads: "Five years ago, I would never imagine this family picture. My mom missing, my dad happily remarried and only one grandbaby. At times it is hard to be at peace with the fact that my mom is gone… and has been for 3 years. Although when I look at this picture, there are so many positive things to list… in this picture stands an amazing husband, a wonderful brother and sister in law, a perfect baby nephew, a loving step-mom, and 3 family members that have been an unbelievably supportive my entire life. This is my family picture today, May 6th, 2006."

When I see that pic, it makes me miss my mom... it's like she's totally missing, you know? Even though it makes me miss her, I can't ignore how many GOOD things that picture holds!!! My SUPER fab husband, a woman that is totally in love with my dad, a dad that is the best example of a father I could ever ask for, a sister-in-law and brother-in-law that are perfectly matched for my siblings & make them happy, the CUTEST red-headed nephew in the entire world, and my bro and sis that I just love to pieces. So yeah, healing page to do in more ways than one. Makes me realize how blessed I am. =)

Sorry for the semi-serious post!!! I do have a serious post planned for the future. I have something on my heart I'd like to share with all of you.. let's call it my eating journey. (Telling you guys that TOTALLY makes me accountable to writing it some day soon!)

Okay, have a WONDERFUL weekend!!!


Mara said...

love that LO, darcy.
i think it's one of my darcy fave's.
big hugs, sweetie.
can i come to the beach with you?! :)

amber said...

Hope you have a great weekend too! Love that LO of the family!

Anonymous said...

I love that LO and I'm looking forward to the next one you're talking about sharing. You help me to remember to always find the positive in the situation!

Much love to you sister!!

Natalie said...

Great blog Darce. I just had a cry about your mom today while looking at Jarrett and knowing how much she would love him! It makes me sad to think that she was never a mother-in-law to me outside of the hospital, but I know she would have been the best. I hold her very dear to my heart. God is the perfector of making good things come from heartaches. Nat

Jill H said...

your family NOW sure has many, many blessings :) you are so awesome, your Mom is surely proud of you!!

love the LO, it's awesome =)

Erin said...

Darcy - wonderful page, love your journaling.

rev said...

you sure are blessed with that family Darcy, you sure are... I totally understand you miss your mom though.
Love your layout girl!

Felicia said...

That is an awesome LO!

Nichole Duenke said...

grrrrreat layout, darce! just beautiful!! counting the days til i get to meet u!! :)

Michelle W. said...

serious is great... cause it's you.

love the layout!!! Gorgeous!