Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Need your creative juices...

Okay blog friens of mine.. I got nothing. Need your help.

I've got a G3 (Girls Gone Godly) event on Sunday and I have no clue what activity to do with them. (G3 is my high school girls small group I'm the leader of). We are going to serve their mama's breakfast for Mother's Day. The breakfast starts at 9:00am and church doesn't start until 10:30.. yep.. eating will take like 20-30 minutes. What in sam-hill am I going to do with them for another hour? I need your ideas. Is there some sort of fun game I could play with all the daughters and mama's? It would be fun to do 2 activities.. one that's super sweet and one that's completely fun & hilarious.

I NEED YOU GUYS!! Have any ideas???


Mara said...

i have nothing, but i am sure it will be awesome!

Felicia said...

Sorry, I have no ideas. But it sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

hummm....let me think about this, I might have to get back to would be entertaining to see the moms and daughter switch places, like freaky friday, and maybe have a converstation with each other that way...i'll keep thinkin'!

darcy said...

ooo, Hailey, GOOD ONE!!!

Anonymous said...

This might take some prep work, but you know that game you play at bachelorette parties to see how well the couples know each other, they try to get the same answers to the same questions. You could do that for mothers and daughters!! That's all I have for now!!

Jill H said...

ooh, i like Niki's idea. like a "newlywed game" for moms/daughters. you'd have to have a questionnaire for the moms & one for the daughters. and have them fill them out separately. i think that would be fun!!!

Elizabeth said...

okay, so you know those games where you have to fill in the blanks.. make a questionaire and have all sorts of catagories from food, clothing, makeup, music, etc from today's generation and their moms.
switch it up and have them guess the missing blanks.
the "hip" moms may know a bit.. and the girls will die when they learn some of the things their moms were into.
OR for FUNNY... play "pretty kitty"
sit in a circle.. and one person is the kitty. they have to crawl around the room, and go up to the others and act like a cat. Each person has to pat the cat on the head and say "pretty Kitty". First one who laughs becomes the kitty!!
have so much fun, that sounds like an awesome time!

Kat said...

oooh, love niki's idea!!!! you should do that. i want to do that wiht my mom! how fun!

sara said...

How about putting a tiny votive candle at each place setting. Have one girl start...light her candle and have her share a favprite memory of she and her mom...then the daughter lights her mom's candle (sitting right next to her) and her mom shares a fave memory of she and her daughter...then the mother lights the candle of the mom or daughter sitting next to her....and it goes on around the table until each has shared a memory. All the candles are lit and it is quite pretty--and touching,too. Hope it helps..

rev said...

Wow, all the girls have so many great ideas, I just don't have to think of anything! Love Elisabeth's ideas best! But your the boss ;) And knowing you, it'll be hilarious what so ever...

RACHEL =) said...

WOW, look at all these awesome ideas!!! I am blank, sorry!!! But I think getting to know each other "better" is really fun!!! You could always do that for a half-hour, then do the candle thing, which is SO sweet and would be really special!! =)

monica said...

Oh man, too many good ideas from the other girls.

I think Elizabeth's game sounds fun and it probably won't take too long. Good luck with that extra hour, but I'm sure you'll come up with a terrific idea!!

Just Me said...

i wish i could help...i'm soooooo not creative

island jen said...

how about make up a basket filled with fun mom's stuff or mom's survival stuff...quickly go through the entire conetents of the basket saying what each thing is used for, then cover up the basket and have people list everything they saw in the basket, who ever gets the most right, wins the basket!!

anothe good one is a scavenger hunt. just make a list of things and see who has it in their purse/bag, like band aids, nail file, stuff like that!!

hope this helps! have a fun weekend girl! i'll be thinking of you on mother's day!