Quite possibly the coolest day ever. =)
First thing's first... I AM BACK! We have stepped into the 21st Century. Yep. Have a HOME puter and wireless internet. We are living the good life now! Sorry I’ve been MIA the past 4 weeks… we’ve been a tad busy with baby H whom now has a name..
Oh, word cannot even describe how amazing this little girl is! She so super fun and we love her so incredibly much. She now sleeps in her crib and is getting into somewhat of a schedule with her eats, sleeps and poops. (Who am I kidding.. the girl’s poops have been steady from day one.) =) So I thought I’d fill you in on how she entered the world. Man, what a day it was!
6AM – I wake up 45 minutes before my alarm was to go off. I have some weird back pain. Figure I must have slept wrong. Go back to sleep.
6:15AM – Wake up again with weird back pain. Go back to sleep.
6:30AM – Wake up yet again with same ol’ weird back pain. Go back to sleep yet again.
(And yeah, I am TOTALLY not noticing that the pains are exactly 15 minute apart. I’m not so smart in the baby delivering department.)
6:45AM – Alarm goes off. Yep, back pain. Go to the bathroom and notice something was lost in the pee process. (Those of you who have had a baby know what I am talking about so I’ll spare you from actually writing it out.) I then make Darin look at it. Yep. Don’t worry, he saw MANY things grosser over the next day. I don’t call my widwife because we have an appointment at 8AM.
8AM – Tell midwife about backpain and strange matter in toliet so she checks me. Tells me that I’m experiencing contractions (yeah, I’m dumb because I had NO clue they were contractions)and tells me that I’m 3CM dialated and 30% effaced. She also informs us that we will have baby H within 12-24 hours.
Darin laughes, I cry.
You see, I am not emotionally ready to be in labor for 3 more weeks and Darin’s laughing because baby H’s room and crib is not yet finished. The midwife ok’s me to go to work for the day to get things ready for my temp (that wasn’t hired yet.. we had 3 WEEKS!) Darin high-tales it home to finish the crib.
12PM – At work. Realize I should probably be timing out my contractions cuz they are getting a little stronger.
1PM – Kept track of the contractions, realize they are 9 minutes apart. Call Darin. Darin then yells at me cuz we were supposed to call the midwife when they were 10 minutes apart. Whoops. (Again, I’m dumb… I’ve never had a baby before, how was I supposed to know!)
1:30PM – Leave work. Darin finished up the crib.
2:00PM – Appointment with midwife. I’m now 4CM dialated and she tells me to go home and pack my bags. (Yeah, didn’t have that finished either. MAN did I hear about it from my sister.. I think she was packed the day after she found out she was PG. Cuz that’s the way she rolls.) Contractions still not too bad… can still talk through them and don’t want to shoot myself.
3:30PM – Ready to shoot myself.
5:00PM – Headed to the hospital. And you guys have to picture Darin… he is timing my contractions with a stop watch. Oh yes, the stopwatch was around his neck too. He was hard-core supportive husband through this.
6:00PM – I am writing out my will at this point because I’m pretty sure I’m gunna die. Get checked, 6CM dialated.
7:00PM - Epidural. Let me tell you, I was FLYING HIGH after that big ol’ shot! Couldn’t feel a thing. Pretty sure I was epidural drunk.
10PM – Midwife checks me to find that I’m past 10CM.. +1 or something like that. She starts hurrying around cuz she didn’t think I would progress quite that quickly. At one point I ask her how in sam-hill I am to push when I can’t feel my legs. She says to push like I’m pooing. That I can do.
10:30PM – Widwife tells me to stop pushing because baby H is barreling down the canal and she wasn’t ready with all the equipment and stuff. Guess I was a decent pusher. It was that “push like you are poo-ing” advice, I tell ya.
10:36PM – Miss Adelyn Grace entered the world. NOTHING compares to seeing her for the first time. Also, nothing compared to not knowing if the baby was a girl or boy..it was SO fun to hear, “It’s a girl!” We just held her and stared at her for such a long time. She was so perfect, so amazing.. so OURS!!!
Oh, word cannot even describe how amazing this little girl is! She so super fun and we love her so incredibly much. She now sleeps in her crib and is getting into somewhat of a schedule with her eats, sleeps and poops. (Who am I kidding.. the girl’s poops have been steady from day one.) =) So I thought I’d fill you in on how she entered the world. Man, what a day it was!
6AM – I wake up 45 minutes before my alarm was to go off. I have some weird back pain. Figure I must have slept wrong. Go back to sleep.
6:15AM – Wake up again with weird back pain. Go back to sleep.
6:30AM – Wake up yet again with same ol’ weird back pain. Go back to sleep yet again.
(And yeah, I am TOTALLY not noticing that the pains are exactly 15 minute apart. I’m not so smart in the baby delivering department.)
6:45AM – Alarm goes off. Yep, back pain. Go to the bathroom and notice something was lost in the pee process. (Those of you who have had a baby know what I am talking about so I’ll spare you from actually writing it out.) I then make Darin look at it. Yep. Don’t worry, he saw MANY things grosser over the next day. I don’t call my widwife because we have an appointment at 8AM.
8AM – Tell midwife about backpain and strange matter in toliet so she checks me. Tells me that I’m experiencing contractions (yeah, I’m dumb because I had NO clue they were contractions)and tells me that I’m 3CM dialated and 30% effaced. She also informs us that we will have baby H within 12-24 hours.
Darin laughes, I cry.
You see, I am not emotionally ready to be in labor for 3 more weeks and Darin’s laughing because baby H’s room and crib is not yet finished. The midwife ok’s me to go to work for the day to get things ready for my temp (that wasn’t hired yet.. we had 3 WEEKS!) Darin high-tales it home to finish the crib.
12PM – At work. Realize I should probably be timing out my contractions cuz they are getting a little stronger.
1PM – Kept track of the contractions, realize they are 9 minutes apart. Call Darin. Darin then yells at me cuz we were supposed to call the midwife when they were 10 minutes apart. Whoops. (Again, I’m dumb… I’ve never had a baby before, how was I supposed to know!)
1:30PM – Leave work. Darin finished up the crib.
2:00PM – Appointment with midwife. I’m now 4CM dialated and she tells me to go home and pack my bags. (Yeah, didn’t have that finished either. MAN did I hear about it from my sister.. I think she was packed the day after she found out she was PG. Cuz that’s the way she rolls.) Contractions still not too bad… can still talk through them and don’t want to shoot myself.
3:30PM – Ready to shoot myself.
5:00PM – Headed to the hospital. And you guys have to picture Darin… he is timing my contractions with a stop watch. Oh yes, the stopwatch was around his neck too. He was hard-core supportive husband through this.
6:00PM – I am writing out my will at this point because I’m pretty sure I’m gunna die. Get checked, 6CM dialated.
7:00PM - Epidural. Let me tell you, I was FLYING HIGH after that big ol’ shot! Couldn’t feel a thing. Pretty sure I was epidural drunk.
10PM – Midwife checks me to find that I’m past 10CM.. +1 or something like that. She starts hurrying around cuz she didn’t think I would progress quite that quickly. At one point I ask her how in sam-hill I am to push when I can’t feel my legs. She says to push like I’m pooing. That I can do.
10:30PM – Widwife tells me to stop pushing because baby H is barreling down the canal and she wasn’t ready with all the equipment and stuff. Guess I was a decent pusher. It was that “push like you are poo-ing” advice, I tell ya.
10:36PM – Miss Adelyn Grace entered the world. NOTHING compares to seeing her for the first time. Also, nothing compared to not knowing if the baby was a girl or boy..it was SO fun to hear, “It’s a girl!” We just held her and stared at her for such a long time. She was so perfect, so amazing.. so OURS!!!
Now for some pictures…
I have so much more to say but I need to get going. This "stay at home mommy" thing is BUSY, BUSY!!!
Hi Darcy! what a great story! You make having a baby seem less scary than I think it is! she is beautiful and your little family is beautiful too!
YAY!! So glad to see you posting again!!! And so happy for the two of you - she's gorgeous. And yes, a mini Darin!
She is totally a mini Darin!!
I loved the play by play...will definitely have to record mine for prosperity. You're family is super cute : )
oh my gosh, LOVE the pictures!!! what a sweet family picture of the 3 of you! i'm so happy you're back =) yay!!!
what a beautiful baby girl!!! and such a teeny tiny newborn! so precious. and i love how you tell your birth story, so matter of fact. my birth story, i'im STILL working on 4 months later, and its a page and a half long and i'm only half way done.............
so fun to chat with you today, too! hope everything goes fabulously, can't wait to watch baby Adelyn Grace grow! "_
Oh Drace...thank you for sharing such a beautiful event! I'm smiling from ear to ear with happiness for you and Darin both. She is adorable and so tiny! I've missed you and am glad things are going so well! :)
What a beautiful Baby! I am thrilled for you all. The picture of the 3 of you is perfect! Congrats, Darcy :)
haha Darce, you are hilarious. even in labour you're too funny. and yep, just push like you are pooing, and out it comes LOL. I can totally see Darin with the stopwatch. LOL. that would make a great page. guess you don't have a pic LOL... if you didn't even had your bags ready... i guess you didn't have a camera ready also ;). that picture of you 3 is so beautiful! And for me also so precious to see. i guess Ruben is more than 2 times as big as little miss Adelyn is (at his birth that is :). What a precious gift it is right? i told you so, haha. ENJOY girl, enjoy every second of it! Before you know it she's on the policestation and you have to come pick her up :D
YEA! So exciting!! She's so TINY!! I love your family photo!!!Congrats!
So glad to read an update from you guys- to hear the birth story (I hear a scrapbook page coming!) and see some new pics. Adelyn is cute as a button. :)
I am so happy for you and Darin!! She is a cutie!! And I loved how you told the story of giving birth, not as scary!!
Darcy!!! i love your birth-day story! how much fun will Adelyn have reading this years from now? and you look amazing!!!! post more photos... adelyn is adorable!
So happy to see you are back. And a mommy! How adorable is she? Cannot wait to read updates about baby Adelyn now. And see some scrapbook pages. ;)
congrats to the new mommy & daddy!! :) so excited for you guys! and what a precious baby girl!!!! :)
glad to see you posting again, darcy! :)
Yayyy! Darcys back! I missed you girl! I am soooo happy to hear about your labor and how well everything went! And if I wasn't already married, I wanted to marry the guy who gave me the epidural. Sooo good!
Love the photos of your little baby girl! She is a BEAUTY!
You're such a good story teller, I love how you explained your wonderful day. Congrats once again!!!!!!!!!!111
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