She's a clapper. Yep, been doing it for a couple of weeks now. It's seriously the cutest thing.. we yell, "Yeah! Clap your hands! Yeah!" and she claps along. As you can see from the picture below, she doesn't always make contact when she claps. Or if there's a toy or she's in the exercauser, she'll clap whatever's closest. =) Here are some pictures of her in action...

And the picture below was to show aunt Denise and aunt Kayla Aimee her new tooth. Grew it over Christmas and was too distracted to be fussy about it. Swa-eet. I hope every tooth is like that. We seriously just looked down at her gums one day and she had a tooth. She either has an incredibly high pain tolerance, her teeth don't hurt when they come in or she totally gets distracted and forgets about the tooth pain. If she is as forgetful as her mother, the last of those is true. =/
can she be any cuter Darcy? haha, love the clapping story. they sure clap whatever is closest. haha. ruben just started clapping today. and started to crawl a bit. and reacts to his name. okay. the guy is like: i'm doing not a lot for a few weeks andthan i'm gonna surprise mommy one day... hahaha.
LOVE her eyes. but you already knew that. but i guess, i remind you of it, since you are the forgettable-kind-of-sort.
It's so cute when they learn new things...and she just gets more beautiful everyday. She looks like such a little one!
adorable!!! and her! gorgeous! :)
So how did you get her to open her hands? The boys are tight fisted and won't open them unless they are clapping my hand. Gav just got up so I will show him how Adie does it.
those are the cutest clapping pictures!!!! thats gonna make a really cute scrapbook page :)
she's getting so big! and she has the most beautiful blue eyes!
congrats on your first tooth, Adie!! and how awesome is that that she didn't fuss about it?! LOVE the clapping pictures :)
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