Ready for Adie's new trick? It's so much cooler than Darin flipping her upside down in the car seat...
brace yourselves...
this is pretty cool...
our little cheerleader. =)And then we tried to do it the next day to make sure it wasn't just a fluke.
Round two of cheerleading practice was before church on Sunday. She even had a little skirt on for her practice.
And don't worry.. daddy always catches her. =) Although I would love her mega magnificent balancing skills to be used on the balance beam in gymnastics, a cheerleader would be alright. Whatever makes her happy. =)
this is too funny. Does it ever freak you out? Gotta tell you Adrian has never seen your blog and he did the carseat thing to Jackson on Sunday at church? I just laughed it must be the fairfield in our men.
Yea! She's a cheerleader...a girl after my own heart! :) I can just see her tumbling down the basketball court with her cute little uniform on! She can always do both cheerleading and gymnastics... SOOO cute! I can't wait to have my own little cheerleader someday! Amy
YEA!!! My little cheerleader ;) I'm so proud of her, the little cheerleader deep inside me is so doing spirit fingers right now!!!
oh my heart is doing flip flops :) Glad D has strong hands, and yes, she looks like a natural. And hey, belated birthday wishes to your cutie patootie hubby!
Darcy, she is getting so big!!
She is just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Such a cute pic - she's definitely got mama's genes!! :)
awwwwwwwwww look at her cuteness!! in that skirt! waaaaa. growing TOO FREAKING FAST!! and look at proud Darin! haha, TOTALY love those crazy trics you guys do. i know, you are safe, haha. but still love it :D. crazy people.
oh my!!!! that makes my hands sweat just looking at the pictures of her up there! he's got some strong muscles :)
what a little cutie pie!
She is just too cute. I had to keep reminding myself she is just 9 months old. That really is great balance! I wasn't going to show Nate the pictures (so he wouldn't get any ideas) but just had to! Adorable!
nuh-uh....that is TOO CUTE!
the look on her face in the first photo is killing me....ha!
She is ADORABLE...(I know I say that all the time, but it's so true)
that is sooooo cute! i love her expression in the first. seriously, too cute
Oh my gosh! That is scary and awesome at the same time!! What a cutie pie : ) Apparently, I can access your comments from the computer lab at school...unfortunately the guy next to me is trying to make some anti-bathing statement. College kids!
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