Sniff, sniff.
My Adie is wearing big girl PJ's. Gosh. Where did the footie sleeper time go? Sure, I could find 9-12 month sleepers but they are few and far between. Most of them are the 2 piecers now. Geez. Where has the time gone? It was just like yesterday that she was in me as I was nurturing her with vanilla bean ice cream with golden grahams and carmel sauce. Every night.
She's such a little cheeser when she sees the camera now.My Adie is wearing big girl PJ's. Gosh. Where did the footie sleeper time go? Sure, I could find 9-12 month sleepers but they are few and far between. Most of them are the 2 piecers now. Geez. Where has the time gone? It was just like yesterday that she was in me as I was nurturing her with vanilla bean ice cream with golden grahams and carmel sauce. Every night.

And by show of hands, who thinks she is going to have natural curly hair? I HOPE!!!
And yesterday I did my first non-family-non-Adie photo shoot. I think it went alright! My friend Lindsay said she liked them so we're good!
This was one of my faves.. Isaac chilling on my couch looking out the window. Look at his hilarious jeans.. so hip he is.
He has the coolest eyes. They are brown in the middle and navy blue on the outside. Way cool.
And this one was total candid. You should see the part I cropped off... has my countertop in the background where I didn't have the sheet over it... so professional. =) He was also past done with the picture taking.
Yeah, love this one.
Yep, made a new blog banner. Cuz the other one was from 2005!!! And a wedding picture. We've been married for about 3 years now. Oops. I was going to put pictures on the blog header but at the rate I'm going, Adie will be in the first grade by the next time I update the ol' header.
Soooo.. if anyone knows how to make it smaller to fit between the middle section of the blog, let me know!! I'm stumped. It's huge. =/
Look at your super rad photo talents!! Those are great pics, Darce! I LOVE the one of Adie (I'm bias ;)) That is the cutest cheese smile!!
i NEED those jeans for little Ruben Bear. ha. and the pics are beyond beautiful Darcy!! and look at Adie, she's wrapping everybody around her little finger. that's for sure. and no more icecream with caramel each night now? i remember seeing the pic on your blog and was drooooling over it :D
awesome pictures! i wish you lived closer and could do a photo shoot w/me and jessica!
looks like adie is gonna have curly hair, i'm so jealous! love love her cheesy smile pic!!!
ps- children's place has footsie jammies up to like 3T. awesome.
did you choose the crop to fit button. that is what i did with mine. and I cropped it in my picture program.
love, love, love again the pic of lindsey is adorable. he is soooo cute. Maybe I should have to take pics of Jackson and I too. this could be a side business.
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