Easter weekend was awesome. My college bud Niki came to visit on Good Friday and spent the night. Took her to amish country but they weren't out much cuz it's still COLD here! But we still had a good time. =) Then my other college bud, Wendy came on Saturday night!!! I had a great weekend filled with my old buds!!!
Sunday we started the day at church where about 50 people accepted Christ for the first time. It was amazing. We're having a "Final Four" theme and once the people accepted Christ, they got to take a ball and slam dunk it in a basketball hoop on stage. It was completely amazing. Totally recommend listening to the sermon if you've got some free time.. Go here to listen. Awesome.
We then went to Darin's mom's house for lunch and my dad's house for dinner. Adie did pretty well without good naps all day. Her dress was super cute too.. thanks Jen!!! You sent that way back when she was born.. did you know it would be her Easter dress? Thank you so much.. it was a blessing to not have to go buy one. =)
And this is a first... fell asleep at lunch today. She just couldn't take it any longer...Sunday we started the day at church where about 50 people accepted Christ for the first time. It was amazing. We're having a "Final Four" theme and once the people accepted Christ, they got to take a ball and slam dunk it in a basketball hoop on stage. It was completely amazing. Totally recommend listening to the sermon if you've got some free time.. Go here to listen. Awesome.
We then went to Darin's mom's house for lunch and my dad's house for dinner. Adie did pretty well without good naps all day. Her dress was super cute too.. thanks Jen!!! You sent that way back when she was born.. did you know it would be her Easter dress? Thank you so much.. it was a blessing to not have to go buy one. =)

ooo Darcy, she's such a cutiepie, look at the little lady in the dress!! and look her sleepy. haha. ruben just gets angry when he's tired and i try to feed him. bowls, plates and food throwing around. i guess he's a real hothead...
how cute is that!!!
she is adorable in that dress too.
love her pretty easter dress-
and love that she fell asleep during lunch!!!!!! seriously, lol, so cute!
awww, babies falling asleep at the most random times, that's so sweet! i wish my kids would do that during lunch, haha!!
LOVE that Easter dress, so pretty :) glad you guys had a happy Easter!
What a doll baby! She's the cutest!
I listened to the Easter service last night- AMAZING! Loved it. Will probably listening to it again. Thanks for sharing that.
So, I stumbled upon your blog via a friend's cousin's blog ... whew! Anyway, I love it! I am a scrapper (that's Alex, IN slang!) and love your pages and pics. So ... hope you don't mind my 'blog stalking' now and then. Feel free to check out my inferior blog @ clhcorner.blogspot.com.
How gorgeous is she in that Easter dress?? She's getting so big. Glad ya'll had a good Easter! :)
That cracks me up, Adie sleeping while eating! What a doll!
I'm so excited that the dress turned out to be her Easter dress! She is sooo adorable. I was just thinking how lucky Niki and Wendy were to get to see you, Darin and Miss Adie this weekend. Now I feel like I was there in spirit : )
I will be in Indiana the first week of June and I think Wendy is going to have a lia sophia party...don't feel you have to buy, but I would love to see you!!
I hope this posts this time : )
she's just the cutest little thing, darcy!
i LOVE that photo on the left sidebar..her little cutie baby bottom by the tub!!
you take such cute photos girlie!
i just remembered: i never gave you my blog link after you changed things or what have you! :)
it's: http://nicholew.typepad.com/colorful_me/
just in case you should need to check it out!
oooh.....that dress1 i love it! and ayla did the same thing not too long ago, just pooped out in her high chair!
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