look closely...

Backwards. =)
I'm just happy the capri's made it back on. Sometimes she forgets to put them on and runs around in her Ariel panties.
And we've been spending a ton of time outside the past few days! It's swinging season! I could do this 70-80 degree weather EVERY DAY of the year!
Aw, what a cutie! Way to go, to let her exert her independence even if you get backwards stuff sometimes. I love the sucker in her mouth while she pushes Joya!
This gave me a real "Laugh Out Loud" when I read it. So cute! And I totally had Ariel panties when I was little!
I just pray that if I'm blessed with a daughter that The Little Mermaid is still "cool" or available at stores! :)
She's still super cute even with backward pants! Maybe she's starting a few new trends...
And if you makes you feel any better, Brodie still gets his shirt turned around at times. Never his pants though :)
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