Miss Joya Jae hit the big 1.0. Our toothless, jabbering, toddling, hilarious little girl is one. Sniff, sniff.. where did the time go?
She had a great day filled with garage saling, horrible nap taking, french fry eating, and cupcake devouring day. =) My sister will be here in a week and Adie will be 3 May 10th so we are waiting until the 9th to have a combined b-day party.. something I didn't want to do but they are young and won't remember, right? So yeah.. took her out to the backyard so she could enjoy her first cupcake! Here are the results...

The first is my favorite, and in the fourth she reminds me of Adie. Love them. Great idea!
Ooh, what adorable pictures! What a great idea to have her eat her cupcake outside. I didn't think of that. My favorites are #4 & #5.
so, so cute! i can't believe she doesn't have a tooth yet- was that the same for adie? she's adorable- happy happy first birthday!
what a cutie! can't wait to see you soon :)
The kissy face cracks me up! Doesn't the first year just fly by? Seriously...
uhm. hello? where have i been?? !! sorry sweet Darcy, life moves pretty fast with little ones, right? can i throw that in as defence??!!
love the pics of your crazy girl! guess we need some catching up to do huh?!
awwww! hehe!
what a cutie! happy #1 miss joya! :)
awwww, HAPPY BIRTHDAY miss joya!!!! :)
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