The on Wednesday night Darin and I ventured out with the girls to take Joya's 1 year pictures and Adie's 3 year pictures.
You might think it's easy for a photographer to take her own kids' pictures, right?
Um, no.
This blog is dedicated to the crazy Wednesday night fun we had taking pictures. Thank the LORD Darin was with me because as you will read (and see) it was eventful.
Ok, here we go.. a CRAP ton of pictures await you. The one's that made the cut are at the end. So you have to read the entire post to see that we really did get some decent pics. I was beginning to wonder with how we started out...
So the other day I noticed that our little town has an alley. I know.. how did I NEVER notice this before? We have one blinking light. Never knew we had an alley. so I checked it out with my own kiddos!
First off.. Adie is up.
My precious, adorable Adelyn Grace who keeps thinking that pointing her butt at me is the most hilarious thing ever.
A big thank you to daddy who kept laughing at her and egging her on.
Okay, okay.. I was laughing too. You caught me!
Then my Joya thought that it woudl be great if half of her pictures included her tongue. Sticking out of her mouth, but of course!

And I've always had this fear. Well, one of two of my photography fears. The first one being that I would forget my camera at a photoshoot. Not forget the camera AFTER I took the pictures, like forget to bring my camera all together. Thank the Lord that I dont' have to worry about that fear anymore beause a few weeks it came true. Drove past a clients house 3 times, was 10 minutes late only to open my back door and realize my camera was at home. I wish I was kidding.
Fear number two would be that i would konk a client's child in the head with my camera that's hanging around mi nogin as I lift the said child and position them to where they need to be. Well, don't have to worry about that fear anymore either because I konked my own child's head with my camera. Your welcome, Joya. =/I smacked my poor baby's head so bad I had to photoshop the red welt out of every picture thereafter.
She screamed for a good 20 mintues so we decided to move onto the next location in town.. a quaint little park with a cool fence row.
As we get there we see a rather thuggish looking male who very nicely says, "Such a nice night, isn't it?" as we walk by.
Okay, Darin sees red flags because #1, Why is a thuggish looking male walking and enjoying our quaint little park at 7:00 in the evening saying quaint things like, "Such a nice night, isn't it?" So I kinda shrug it off and we move on to the cool fence row... in which Joya still looks like this...
Darin was able to capture the below picture between sobs... you'd never guess!

Got absolutely zero shots there because Joya wouldn't let me put her down so we travel onto the next picture destination. i am so smart to strip off her shirt and give her some cheerios cuz I know that will make her happy.. I was right...
As we are pulling out of our quaint little park we realize our thugs have now been joined by more thugs. Darin is STARING at them and is contemplating asking them what they are doing. He is suspicious about a drug deal going down and my man desires to be the hero in each and every situation.
So as he's contemplating, a sheriff pulls up in his squad car.
No need to be the hero, babe! The thugs are getting questioned by the po-po's. We ended up leaving because we were OBVIOUSLY gawking that them so we dont' know if they got cuffed and put away.
Darin wrote a thank you to the sheriff last night just in case they were drug busting in our neighborhood.. Darin's polite hero. =)
Back to our eventful picture takin'... we then make it to our 3rd and last photo shoot location.. you'll never guess...

Yes.. I AM that classy! That's why I took my own kids there and not YOUR kids!!! HA hA!
But look! There is THE coolest old church with shutters and peeling paint.. and gorgeous doors. So yeah, I am not too proud to do a photo shoot in a cemetary. With my own children, that is.
And Adie had to show off her butt-sticking-out skills here too..

Yep, still hilarious, baby girl!
Was able to get a few "together" shots of them.. first one was good...
then Adie slowly started to get Joya into a head lock which she didn't appreaciate very much...

And I dont' know why I find the below picture so funny but I do... look how straigh Joya's leg is!

and look how pointed her toe is! Makes me wonder if I have a gymnast on my hands? She's got an amazing toe-point!
At the end of our evening Darin was putting Joya back into her carseat and Adie yanks on my arm and says,
"mom, I have to go poopy quick!"
When the word "quick" is used in a poopy sentance of my daughter's, it means she's got a turtle head so I make the very rational decision to have her squat and poop on the side of the road, in a ditch. Darin walks around the corner of the van and says,
"you've GOT to be kidding me!"
He got over it quick and he was even so sweet to burry the fresh turds in a nearby dirt pile. Um, just realized we were in a cemetary... not going to think about why that dirt pile was there. Yep, we'll move along now...
So all in all our butt-shaking, tongue sticking outin', head klobbering, thug drug busting, cemetary location, roadside pooping photo shoot was successful! I think.. you tell me.. here are the pictures that we came out with Wednesday night.
Ha! Ok. I laughed out loud at this post. Too funny! I don't know why the picture with Joya's leg sticking straight up in the air is so funny either, but it is! And the turd story! Always love a good poop story!!
Oh WOW! lol...what an adventure...seriously!The pooping part was great! (I'm sure not for u at the time!) And don't feel bad about the clobber on Joya's head...u DO remember Kahler's fall don't ya?:) Had to do some photoshoppin there too! but hey just so ya know I'll go in a cemetary to do a photo shoot with you any day darce!=) Loved that background!!
your stories always crack me up! i love the roadside poop story, hilarious!
and your daughters are beautiful! you got some great shots
great church know I love white peeling paint. as long as you weren't shootin' the headstones I am ok with a cemetary. hehe.
THe pictures turned out gorgeous.
What an adventure for you two...but you did get good shots out of it!
Love the story of this post but it also shows how much work goes into your photography shoots. (and the amount of pictures that get taken and never used!) It takes so many just to get a few GREAT ones! Love Joya's little plaid dress in front of the white church. So sweet.
You and Darin look great too! :)
Okay I busted a gut over Joya's leg straight up in the air!!! Histerical!!! Gav and Sam asked what was so funny :)
Love the pics!!!
Loved this post Darcy. It really made me giggle. You all had quite the adventure! :)
So, I know your family isn't related to my husband's family, but Adie looks SO much like my niece (like they could be sisters, really). And I really love the pictures of Joya in front of the church!
Okay the funniest part for me was the poop story. My goodness that's so hilarious.... never a dull moment! Thanks for including that part :)
Where is that cemetery? I love that little building, too!
Oh my! Thanks for the laugh. Good to know I don't have the only crazy household:)
LOVE the pics of Joya!!! It looks so old fashioned with the building & her dress. And Adie, holy cow how big/mature looking is she? Steve & I are really starting to think Nevaeh might be a "little person" (aka midget)
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