A big shout out to Walmart for having the exact color of green pots that match our siding. Pretty sure they knew the color of siding we had when they created them becuase they match PERFECTLY!
And had him made me one for the side porch by the rocking chairs we never sit on... By show of hands, who thinks they need to be tan like our trim? I do, I do!
And who wants to come and paint them for me?
Not it. =/
Decked out our front planter...
And these are going in the planter Darin's building for me in the new deck... Gerbera's... our wedding flower...LOVE THEM!
And I've mentioned the deck that we just re-did, right? Wanna know what we found when we took up our first deck board? Yep.
4 kittens.
All of them have scedaddled cept one, Mr. Meow face.
And after my pleads on Facebook for someone to please come and get this cute kitten, 94.8% of my facebook friends agree that kittens are awesome and cute, cats? Not so much.
And there is a certain someone who is getting rather attached.. As is the kitty to her...
Joya just likes to pick it up by it's tail.
Every day Adie runs out to the shed and says,
"Kitty, I've missed you!"
Cept for yesterday when she came inside crying (it was a no nap day) saying she was done playing with the kitty. I asked her why and she said,
"the kitty is not obeying me!"
Ha! Funny how the roles changed!
So please.. either come and take this kitten or pray that it runs away because it's driving the dog (and mommy) nuts. =/
Now go out and buy your annuals and pray it doesn't frost so they don't die! Cuz they'll die in August and that will be here soon enough. And someone come and get Mr. Meow Face kitty!
I just love how your type & how your sense of humor comes thru your posts. You just know how to type to make it sound so funny! :)
Gerberas were our wedding flowers too Darcy... red, yellow and orange. They are one of my very favorites! Your annuals look great. And I love kittens/cats but don't think we're ready for a pet yet (not to mention Eben would most likely not be pleased.) :) Hope you can find someone to take him soon.
Gerberas were mine too :-) So popular because they're BEAUTIFUL!! I just ordered some annuals from a girlfriend of mine and I can't WAIT to get my hands dirty! I'm pretty awful at keeping plants and flowers alive though so we'll see how this year goes...
How about I'll take your kitty for a few weeks if you keep my dog for a few weeks. We got her a few months ago [a four year old stray lab] and we haven't had the extra money to get her fixed and she went into heat last night! AGH! I'm going crazy over here!
P.S. Just thought of this... did you know gerberas can grow as perennials? At least, they did where we used to live. Granted, it was a few hrs south of here, but it's worth giving it a whirl! :)
Hilarious! I can totally picture this conversation between you and the little amish gal. so funny!
where do you buy your flowers? do tell! I need to get busy and plant a few.
I love the purple on your doors!!!
i love reading your posts...you are a great storyteller! :)
darcy...we were planning on getting a cat from the shelter. i'll take it if you really want to get rid of it and adie will let you get rid of it. :) just let me know!
Krista Balke (Petty)
Keep the kitten AND the annuals! Your dog will get over it, and cats really are low maintenance. Ayla got a kitten when she was younger than Adie and their relationship is so sweet. The cat sits with us for story time and will let her abuse him to no end - no scratches ever!
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