Thursday, December 09, 2010

First Christmas Program..

Warning.. horrible group pictures of a children's Christmas Program ahead.. yeah, even a photographer gets crap photos at a dim lit church and a bad seat with heads and other mama's taking pictures. =/ Don't judge me. =)

Anyway, today after preschool, in anticipation for her Christmas Program, Adie and I played beauty shop to get her hair all curly for the big show. Yes, I made it fun and a game so I could play with her hair. The Lord knew what he was doing when he gave me girls.. I LOVE pink and doing hair and all things girlie.  Anywho, we did up her hair in rollers and this seductive picture totally cracks me up... 

Haha! isn't it funny?

I kinda felt a little toddler tiara-ish with the rollers and Hot Sets. But we had fun. And I promise there was no Crest white strips or practicing of how to walk down the church runway, I mean isle, during our beauty shop play time.. promise. =)

This is what she looked like when they came out...
A lot less seductive and a whole lota cute!

Then we headed to the show and she gave me a big ol wave and was saying, "Hi mom!" when I shot this picture...
Did you see all the other paparazzi mom's? Isn't that hilarious? Um, can't make too much fun because I was doing the exact same thing. =/

And here are the group shots...
And then Adie decided to sit down for the remaining part of the program. And showed us all her tights that kinda gave her penguin legs cuz she's growing out of them. =)
All and all a great program. Gosh, when your kid gets up on stage and daddy has the camcorder and you have the camera.. you can't even stand how much pride you have for your kids. I keep feeling it as the girls get older and start doing more things. Man, I love those girls!


Kat said...

adorable!!!! love the curls. and her cute little green sweater.
seriously, so cute :)

Jewel said...

Her hair was beautiful! said...

I love her seductive her church shirt. Seems appropriate:)

Felicia said...

She is so cute! Love that she just sat down in the middle of the program. Too cute!