Thursday, May 12, 2011

Can't forget Joya's 2 year pictures!

I can't forget to show you the first round of Joya's 2 year pictures!  Since I kinda take pictures as a little job I have to find little bits of time to take the girls out and shoot em. =) With a camera, of course. I found the perfect magnolia tree and I love how sweet they turned out. Joya is a HARD one to capture so this is what we've gotten at our photo session part 1. =)   

LOVE this one because it shows her 1 dimple and her ornery personality!

And I asked them if they would hold each other's hands and this is what I got... 
It makes me laugh. I'm seriously thinking of making a print of it for here in the house!  They really do like each other!


Kat said...

that last one is hilarious! just perfect! you should totally blow it up and put it on your wall ;)

Anonymous said...

You take excellent pictures!! Of course, it helps when the subject's are as cute as these! ;o) That last picture is priceless - really shows their personalities! :o)

Sarah Kate@