Finished up a page on Thursday night.
It was nice to do a pre-pregnancy page. I'm feeling rather fluffy so scrapping a "normal" pic of myself was good. Makes me motivated to get back to that after the baby is here. And ready to grow out my hair again. =/ ANYWHO, just a page about some of the things I worry about. And then I remember that I'm blessed beyond measure. Yep. Then I do a self kick in the hiney and trust again. Journaling reads:
Sometimes I worry if I will be a good mom.
Sometimes I worry too much about what I eat.
Sometimes I wonder if our house will ever be finished.
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like with mom here.
Sometimes I get anxious about where Darin's ministry will take us.
Sometimes I worry about our finances when I become a stay-at-home mom.
Sometimes I take my life for granted and worries and apprehensions overcome me.
And then I realize that God has blessed me beyond measure. And I trust again.
Totally inked the raw chipboard and love the way it turned out. Put two coats on it to make it darker.
Oh yes.. it's a good feeling to not have that over my head. BUT, I thought I was finished on Friday and then I made two more pillows yesterday. And I will probably cover the changing pad when I get it. And possibly the glider chair's cushions if we get it off our registry. So yeah, I'm *kinda* finished with the sewing. =/ Can you say "nesting"? And proud of it!
And yeah, it's all in a pile because the crib isn't finished yet. And all my scrap stuff is in the nursery. Sooo... once the crib gets in the room and my scrap stuff is retired to the basement, I'll show you the end result of the room. the pile includes the comforter, bumper pads (with the ribbons... ribbons in case it's a girl and blue ribbons in case it's a boy! Like my reasoning?), 2 window valances, 2 pillows and a crib skirt.
And... we live in a glass house!
Yeah, we have a LARGE sliding glass door in our kitchen! 12 feet to be exact! This house didn't have a back door. Yeah, strange. Guess back doors weren't a necessity in the 50's??? So we got the sliding glass door.. it was one of the freebies from the soon-to-be demolished lake house. Can't even DREAM about plowing through a gorgeous window like that. And we have the custom window covering for it too. They were gunna trash the window treatments too. Crazy people out there, I tell you! Darin and I aren't too proud to pluck windows out of houses. =) No sur-ee. Specially when they look like that!
And ignore the trash in our back yard from putting in the window. Poor Darin put the window in on Saturday when it was like 30 degrees and snowing. I don't blame him for not totally cleaning up!
And I was busy growing a baby too.
Yep, getting huge. We were 32 weeks on Friday. Erin always tells me that I look like a graduate with that wall hanging behind my head. Yeah, I probably should take the pictures elsewhere but that's where I started taking the pics and I've got a page worked up in my head. You know, priorities. =)
WHOO this baby is going to be here before we know it!! Now baby H and I will have a big ol' window to look out and get to the backyard if our heart desires! CAN'T WAIT!
saw your page on 2peas, and followed your blog..how exciting to be awaiting a new little one. is this your first? beautiful colors for the nursery..
these last weeks will fly by!
your writing is great, may have to start passing by your site more.
jessica =)
loooooove those sliding doors & the big windows in your kitchen! Darin did amazing work =) it's so beautiful!!! and so are you with your belly =)
sooo impressed that you have energy to scrap AND sew while pregnant. wowza! and you're looking fabulous! i took my pics in the same place, also. can't wait to scrap them!!!
The door in the kitchen is AMAZING! Kudos to D for putting up in the cold. It was so great to see you last week - we need to do that more often! Love ya!
Hmm...have I mentioned the graduation cap thing before? hee hee! You look so cute!!!! LOVE that door!
You are SUCH a busy, little bee!! :D
LOVE the pillows, they are SO cute!!
And the layout, you know I absolutely am gaga over!
And that door is amaaaaazing, seriously!!!
i need that door.
send me one the next time you find one, ok????
and your sewing!
and i am jealous.
and you look FABULOUS!
:) :) :)
wow! i'm amazed at how far you house has come! you guys have donea wonderful job!
I can't believe how much your tummy has grown, you look great!!!!! I mean that in a nice way, sorry.
awesome page girl! And look at that huge window!! thats soooo awesome. put some stickers on it though... before baby H. is walking through them :)
you look like a gorgeous pregnant graduate girl LOL
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