I'm an AUNT again!!!
My sister's boys, Drew and Gavin, were born last Monday! Aren't they cute? And they were decent sizes for twins.. Drew was 6.8 and Gavin was 5.15. They look big in that picture until you realize that they are both in my sisters one arm. =/ I can't wait to see them... we will be in TN in one week!! Please say a prayer that Adie likes to drive in a car for 10 hours at one time. =/ We can't wait to see you Drew and Gavin!
And I've had requests to see more pictures of Miss Adelyn. Um, okay. =)
Her she is at 4 weeks.
Looking mighty healthy. She was born 6lbs 12 ozs and lost quite a bit of weight in her first week of life. She got down to 6lbs flat. =( We made the decision to supplement her with formula because my breast milk wasn't cutting it by itself. So now we nurse for 1/2 an hour or so on me and if she's still hungry, we supplement her with some formula. Today we had our one month appointment and she got weighed. Yeah, she weighs 9lb 4 oz now. The dr. actually told us to cut back on the formula! Oops! I guess when the goal was weight gain, we did everything to reach our goal! But look at her cheeks.. she looks pretty good at 9.4!
Guys, she wears a bow every day. Even if we aren't going anywhere. Yep, she's going to be SUCH a tomboy because I am totally scaring her for life with the bows. =/ And dresses. Her closet is filled with dresses.
Man this little girl is loved!
Congratulations to your sister! Your family sure has grown in the last few months! Lots of little ones- so exciting!
Adelyn is so BEAUTIFUL! Love the bow- too cute.
Yayyyyyyyyyy! more photos! i'm glad i checked back... :) Adie is so gorgeous... love that cute little dress... :) and wow - the twins are adorable also... so many blessings in such a short timespan!
congrats on the boys!! they look awesome. tiny :D but so beautiful. and look at that little precious girl, getting all chubby. you go girl, feed the beeb :) she's so cute! And think how funny this is: Ruben was 11,33 lbs at birth. haha. And drive for 10 hours? okay, than i would almost be in Italy hahaha. have fun girl :)
awww....all these babies...just so, so sweet!! love that you put a bow in her hair everyday! so cute!
adelyn is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! :) and love the bows! :)
and congrats to your sister as well! what fun in your family! :)
OMG, I'm SO glad to see you're back! And I am LOVIN all these pictures of Adelyn! She is soooo beautiful, Darcy!!
I'm so glad things are going well and that she put on some weight - those cheeks are just adorable!
Congrats on being an aunt again! OMG, they are sooooo cute!!! Hope your sister is doing well!! I couldn't imagine poppin' out twins!!
Let's catch up soon when you have some time!!!
Yay! More pictures. She is precious. Just precious!!
She is GORGEOUS! And I love the bows!
She is soooo cute!!!!! I just want hold her and give her a little kiss! What a sweetheart!
oh darcy she is beautiful!! and so are your sister's twins! ya'll picked some awesome names! love all 3! i really want a little one of my own! :)
(i have tried since last month when you had little adelyn to leave you comments & it never worked until today-when i realized i had to use a different login! doh! lol)
yaaaaaaaaaaay for pictures!!!!!!
SOOOOOOO happy to hear that she gained so much weight! i knew your milk was fabu! :) (that actually sounds really weird. sorry bout that, but you know what i mean!)
where do you get those bows???? are those the ones with velcro? or is jessica just way to baldie to wear bows? and yes- i'm with you on turning the baby girl tomboy- she's gonna hate pink by the time she turns 1!
keep the pictures coming!!!!
Awesome pics, girl. Adelyn is GOR-GEOUS!!! And I'm with you on the bows and dresses. Love them!
Congrats on being an aunt again! :)
Darcy, she is darling!
I can't believe how big Adie is getting. I love her toes in the one picture...I think that she is ready to pick things up with them:)
Hi Darcy,
Your Adie is so sweet! Congrats to you and Darin. I have "stalked" your blog for about a year now; came upon it from scrapbooking and then thought you were funny so I kept checking back.
FYI, I am NOT the crazy lady from Target! I live in Hendersonville, TN and have 3 boys (11 and 5 yr old twins). Tell your sister it WILL eventually get easier (but not til they're about 3; dont tell her that though).
Hope you guys have a wonderful time with all the babies! Just wanted to wish you well. Michelle
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