So, we are a little bit snowed in today. Like there's 12-16 inches of snow outside right now. Adie and I have been feeling a bit sick today.. runny noses and sore throats and fevers. So I just peeled myself off the couch to blog. Couple of embarassing things have happened lately so I thought I would share....
1) So a lot of you have recieved your "Holsopple Harold" in the mail. First of all, I am the biggest dork ever because about 3 weeks ago I woke up at 6am on a Sunday morning and had the idea of doing a newspaper Christmas letter for our family this year. So much has happened and I figured that it would be the easiest to update everyone in newspaper form. So I got out of bed and started my newspaper. Came up with the nifty title, "Holsopple Harold". So clever. We had a classified section and everything. Sent them out the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was ON TOP of things this year!
Darin's best friend recieved the paper and gave him a call to place an ad in the Holsopple Harold classifieds. Totally made us laugh. Then he polietly told Darin that I totally used the wrong "Harold". Harold is a man's name, not Herold like a newspaper should be.
Then I said, "Oh, I meant like "Hark the Harold angels sing!". Good cover if you ask me.. but that wouldn't be the right spelling either.
I only sent out 70 of them. I have never claimed to be a good speller. Ever.
2) A couple of weeks ago before bed time my Adie and I were hanging out on the floor. She was climbing on me and ended up in this position...
This picture is totally coming out on her first date when she's 27. The girl loves her food.. especially her nursin'. 1) So a lot of you have recieved your "Holsopple Harold" in the mail. First of all, I am the biggest dork ever because about 3 weeks ago I woke up at 6am on a Sunday morning and had the idea of doing a newspaper Christmas letter for our family this year. So much has happened and I figured that it would be the easiest to update everyone in newspaper form. So I got out of bed and started my newspaper. Came up with the nifty title, "Holsopple Harold". So clever. We had a classified section and everything. Sent them out the Monday after Thanksgiving. I was ON TOP of things this year!
Darin's best friend recieved the paper and gave him a call to place an ad in the Holsopple Harold classifieds. Totally made us laugh. Then he polietly told Darin that I totally used the wrong "Harold". Harold is a man's name, not Herold like a newspaper should be.
Then I said, "Oh, I meant like "Hark the Harold angels sing!". Good cover if you ask me.. but that wouldn't be the right spelling either.
I only sent out 70 of them. I have never claimed to be a good speller. Ever.
2) A couple of weeks ago before bed time my Adie and I were hanging out on the floor. She was climbing on me and ended up in this position...

And I am not feeling so hot again so I'm going to go warm up the couch. I'll leave you with a cutie picture of my blue eyed girl...
Oh, and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big sister, Denise!!! The big 3-2.. now if that's not embarassing, I don't know what is! I'm totally getting a hate email from her once she reads this...
oh my goodness, that picture of Adie looking like she's holding you down for food is CRACKING ME UP! what a hilarious picture!!
your newspaper letter was the cutest thing ever, even if it was spelled wrong ;) oh well, at least someone told you your first time doing it and not several years later =P
hope you girls feel better soon =)
totally cracking up at the pic and that mama isn't letting her date until she's 27! :) SUCH a gorgeous girl, darce! :)
Darc, yourAdie is getting more and more beautiful every single day! You are so blessed! I can't wait to get "new mom" advice from you...some day. :) We are waiting a little longer to get on that train, but I'm already excited! Merry should get your card (with wedding photo, of course) soon! :)
Too funy- sounds like something I would do...I'm always asking Tom how to spell things. I feel so stupid sometimes but oh well, he already married me! :) And the picture of Adie is simply the cutest! Tom hadn't looked at your blog in awhile and just did the other day and couldn't get over how beautiful Addie is!
She's got such a sweet little face! Love the photos and the updates! I hope you two feel better soon!
I loved the newsletter (it should be Herald). It cracked me up because it was SO totally you! That just made it all the more better. Smooches!
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