So now that Adie's crawling, she doesn't seem to sit still.
Like ever.
Her new favorite game is to play in mommy's tupperware cuboard. She loves to take all the bowls out and climb in. Love her hiney sticking up in the air!!!
She then crawls over to her toy basket and takes all the toys out. Of course right after mommy put them all back in!Like ever.
Her new favorite game is to play in mommy's tupperware cuboard. She loves to take all the bowls out and climb in. Love her hiney sticking up in the air!!!

This is also her new game at nap time. She plays before she takes her nap. We were to the point where I could lay her down and within 5 minutes she would be asleep, most of the time without a whimper. Not since mobile Adie. One day I heard a big crash and I went running into her room and she'd hung on her mobile until it came crashing down. The next day I heard another crash and she pushed over her daddy's baby plate that was sitting on an end table near her crib. Broke in two. =( Usually I let her play until she starts to get super mad.. she's standing up and is too mad to remember how to get herself down. I go in and put her on her back and then she'll take her nap.

Her and cousin Brayden like to get into trouble together. Here Brayden is teaching Adie how to push buttons on the DVD player while Adie opens the little cabinet door where we keep our surround sound equipment.

So yeah, she's on the move now and disciplining has started. Hate it. The other day she went to the DVD player and started pushing buttons and I told her "no", smacked her hand a bit and pulled her away from it. She stuck out her lower lip all the way into next Tuesday and proceeded to cry for 5 minutes. I think I hurt her feelings. =/
Life is dramastically changing with mobile Adie!
and you know what? this is only the beginning. hahaha. and she can be such a drama queen. haha. love that little under lip story. she's like Sanne was! ruben still doesn't crawl and i'm not sad about that! ha.
and you know what? this is only the beginning. hahaha. and she can be such a drama queen. haha. love that little under lip story. she's like Sanne was! ruben still doesn't crawl and i'm not sad about that! ha.
Doesn't it just break your heart when you have to discipline! With my nieces I just want to cry with them when they get in trouble. And little ones are just so dramatic. :)
hehe! i love this! you're gonna start seeing a whole new side of her ... but you'll still love every minute of it :)
This is too mean we have to discipline our cute little babes....I hope jackson never crawls. that way HE will never get in to anything and I will never have to say no...I have to dicipline the dog enough for both of them.
Ha Ha, she's so funny! She's a good form of constant entertainment right!? I love how she's pushing on Brayden like, "lemme show you how to do it"!! Chasing her is the new cardio :)
reading blogs while i wait for news....
man do i remember the tupperware boys LOVED clearing them out and climbing in...
so much better than TOYS ;)
Adie is seriously adorable....
your blogs are the funniest!!! i love picturing her hanging on her mobile till it came crashing down. so funny! and what is it about those tupperwear cupboards?
yep, its only going to get crazier.....
oh man, disciplining stinks :(
cute pictures!! the one of her in the crib just looks like she's up to something!
i just don't know you discipline that sweet little face! :P She is waaaaaay too cute!
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