*Most of ya know I'm a scrapper. Take a look at Adie's 1st year book...

How in the heck-fire am I going to be able to scrap our next kiddo this much? I love scrapping Adie but sometimes I worry that it's totally not going to be fair in the # of scrap pages department for the next kid. =/ And I was the 3rd child in my familia. The "unwanted one". Okay, not unwanted but I was the "Oops! We already had our girl and our boy and dad's on strike and making $20 a week we really didn't plan for a kid right now" kid. I always joked with mom and dad that I was the "Oops" baby and they always replied with, "Our family just wouldn't have been complete without our Darce!" But yeah. Since dad was making no money when I was born there are NO pictures of me. Good think I look exactly like my sister or I seriously would have thought I was adopted. But anywho, I know how it feels to not have as many pictures and such as the first child so I worry that some day baby #2 won't have as many pictures and pages as Adie Grace! AH!!!
*Most recent BIGGEST worry... this:
"Well, that's a clippy!" you might say. Yep.. this is an example of the cute green clippy that MAY be in my Adie's belly. We are dealing with our first "Adie ate something she shouldn't have and it wasn't the lady bug like the thing she usually eats that she shouldn't." (She's eaten 5 lady bugs o date... I have NO clue how they get into our house!) On Wednesday she was at aunt Natalie's taking her am nap and went to bed with the cute little green clippy holding her bangs back. When I went to get her she was in the pack-n-play playing and green clippy-less. We looked everywhere and my brother even vacuumed and the clip is no where to be found. So yeah, pretty sure she ate it. So now my new hobby is plastic forking through her poo diapers to find the green clippy that we think she ate. So far 3 poo's and no hair clip. We went to the dr. yesterday and he said we could do x-rays but I would be doing the same either way.. fishing through her diaper. So yeah, now my recent worry is that green clippy is going to lodge in her poo-er and cause her massive pain. And heck, my Bailey-cat died from complications of an obstruction... his was a hairball and he was a cat so it's not quite as serious as this. But am so happy that Adie isn't eating her own hair because that wouldn't help!
And maybe I should pay a bit more attention to packaging...
It should read, "Adorably cute kids may mistaken clips for lady bugs and eat them. Then mommies will have to fork through their diapers to see if the green clip was in fact swallowed. Wait until 3 years of age to use for goodness sake!"
Next time she eats a lady bug I will rejoice that it wasn't a green clippy.
So if everyone could say a little prayer that I find a green clippy in her diaper, I would be muy, muy appreciative. Thanks. =)
I have no words for you! I'm sure the green clippy will all work out and not cause problems. Read Matthew 6:25-34. All will be fine. Love you and miss you lots! Smooches!
Your warning Label...darce is cracking me up...Your baby is going to be fantabulous!!!! thought I would make up a word in honor of the occasion.
oh, you are funny my friend.
umm, i TOTALLY had to do that poo-sifting w/ Jared.
Not for a cute green hair clippy though, or we'd have some different issues going on...no, for a marble.
Found it.
Made me neurotic (more so than normal)
But no ill effects from eating strange things....and he had a few.
Something about firstborns....
I love your storytelling...you crack me up.
Do NOT worry about Kid # 2. I am Kid # 2 and have less than 1/2 the number of photos and albums than my older brother. It's expected, accepted and NO, I do not feel any less loved :)
You could also look at it this way, Darce. They practiced on Greg and I. You also got away with way more than I did as the baby! You are right. I don't know what my world would be like without you and I am so glad you are here. LAMY!
Darcy...I NEVER thought I would say anything like this, but I will pray that your poo-digging is successful. Good luck...I'm sure Adie will be fine. :) Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. Amy
good luck with the poo digging... don't want to visualize that... ha. i always here that it comes out naturally without any pains at all. i was the lucky mom. sanne never ever ate anything she couldn't and i guess ruben is the same. everything i want to feed him, he first smells and looks at me like "can i REALLY eat this??". haha.
yeah for ladybugs. sanne catches them, put's them in a jar and forgets air and food. so i don't know what's worse for the ladybug....
and i was the 4th. only a handfull babypics. but hey, i make up with that big time with Sanne and i can say Ruben has even MORE babypics than sanne has.... and i'm not comparing the amount of scrappages. i scrap my memories and happy thoughts and fun things i'm not counting :D. they will love you for all the love and attention you give them.
okay. way to long post. sorry.
oh dear.
green clippy - i hope you find it - but if not, she probably didn't eat it - it probably just got lodged in the pack and play thingy somewhere... i wouldn't worry to much about it.
i am so jealous that your adie's scrapbook is sooooo big! jessica has like not even a quarter of that. but don't worry, i bet you'll still have tons of pictures of baby number two......
oooh, and i hope you find the clippy! i'd be stressed out, too!
Hi Darcy! It's Tracey (Gradle) Blevins. I found out about your website from Amy (Nicolai) who recently got in contact with me. I was just going to casually take a glance and not leave any comments but I just had to say something after I saw your adorable little girl. Wow! What a doll and I really love her name too! I see a lot of you in her. I also am baffled by the writing on your blog. You sound so professional-as though you are writing for a magazine or something. As for your scrapbooking - AMAZING!!! I only wish I had the time to do such a thing.
I know that we went our separate ways in college but I'm so glad to see that you are doing so well. I have two little munchkins of my own - 2 boys: Landon (2) and Brody (6 months) and they are my pride and joy! I totally understand your "mommy worries". I don't think a day goes by when I don't worry about my two little guys. I have a website with pictures www.dropshots.com/traceyblevins if you are interested.
I hope you don't mind me peeking in on your blog. I really enjoyed it!
Take care,
Stop by often but I dont think I've ever commented. You have such a cute blog, and I'm really jealous of all your scrapping. I love to scrapbook and I cant tell you how many I have in the process, i just dont have as much time these days :(
I can understand how the clippy thing could be stressful. I'm sure it will work its way out. But, and I promise you I'm not trying to scare you, I would highly recommend you taking your little girl to the Doc and asking if you should get an xray done. You dont want that clip to actually be in there and take up home. And if it is moving, you may end up with something a little worse than poop sifting and a belly ache, its gotta some what of a pointy end. Better safe than sorry :) Just a suggestion, I know you have no idea who i am lol!
hah oh Darcy! Poor little Adie eating those lady bugs do you not feed her enough? haha just kidding.. A prayer was just said for Adie and the green Clippy and for you having to search through poop.. good luck on your search! If it makes you feel any better when I was little I swallowed a lego guy's head and it came out.
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