We got a double stroller at the re-sale last month. =)
Yep!!! Got Baby #2 in the oven!
This is how we told daddy (bout 5 weeks ago)...

He walked in from practice one night and saw Adie sitting in the stroller. To which he replies,
"I thought we were getting the stroller this Friday at the resale."
(It Wed.. 2 days early for the resale.. and this is actually Greg and Natalie's stroller I borrowed to tell Darin)
I then said,
"How does Adie look in the DOUBLE STROLLER?"
He said,
"Well really cute but I'm really confused. I kinda wanted the jogging double stroller."
Then I told him to look on the front seat of the stroller...
Yep!!! Got Baby #2 in the oven!
This is how we told daddy (bout 5 weeks ago)...

He walked in from practice one night and saw Adie sitting in the stroller. To which he replies,
"I thought we were getting the stroller this Friday at the resale."
(It Wed.. 2 days early for the resale.. and this is actually Greg and Natalie's stroller I borrowed to tell Darin)
I then said,
"How does Adie look in the DOUBLE STROLLER?"
He said,
"Well really cute but I'm really confused. I kinda wanted the jogging double stroller."
Then I told him to look on the front seat of the stroller...

We were really hoping for kiddos 2 years apart.. well, we are good planners I guess! Adie's b-day is May 10th and the new baby is due May 14th. Darin will be finishing up track and school and then we'll have him home for 3 months! I am sure Adie will become even more of a daddy's girl. I was 3 weeks early with Adie Grace but I will NOT expect that the 2nd time! Don't want to get super discouraged if we go 2 weeks late!

And let me tell you that $1 prego tests from the Dollar Tree work pretty darn well. ACTUALLY the first time I took one the 2nd line didn't appear. I didn't get too discouraged because it was the 1st month Darin and I started trying and it took us 6 months of trying before we concieved Adie. (I know, probably TMI but I've never held back from you guys on the ol' blog!) I went to a baby shower about an hour and a half away and returned later that afternoon. I had an incling to check out the test again in the trash can just because I really felt like I was prego. Well, the test had 2 lines then. Actually read the instructions then and it said that
"if you fish this test out of the trash basket hours after you've peed on it 2nd results are null because pee stick is only good for 10 minutes."
(Okay, so that's my version but I really think I have a future in instruction writing.) I took another test 4 days later and immediately it had a 2nd line. =) So yeah, props for the $1 tests.. they even work hours after they say they shouldn't work! And I was like 3 weeks pregnant! I'm still in my 1st trimester for a few weeks but I've been wanting to blog about my crazy cravings of cilantro and Velveta cheese and just finished my Serendipity Kit for Oct and have a pregnancy journal I want to share with you. So I just had to tell ya. =)
We are super excited and can't wait for the addition to our family. Had an US and saw the heart beat.. again I am blown away by the miracle of this baby growing inside of me. God is knitting him/her together in my womb. So amazing.
Baby H #2... we love you already!
We are super excited and can't wait for the addition to our family. Had an US and saw the heart beat.. again I am blown away by the miracle of this baby growing inside of me. God is knitting him/her together in my womb. So amazing.
Baby H #2... we love you already!
Congrats, again! This pregnancy will FLY by.And about time you posted this on here!)
Congrats, Darcy! I'm so excited for you! I can't help but wish plenty more pink your way! Sisters are so much fun :)
Congratulations, Holsopples! :)
Congratulations, Darcy and family!! So happy for you all! :) Hugs!
YAY!!!!! Congrats, girl!! So happy for you guys! What a special little baby to enter the H family! :)
WOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!! SO excited for another little Holsopple to read about on the blog. Plus, it's like GUARANTEED that they will be the CUTEST little boy/girl ever! For Darin's sake, I hope it's a boy - another Colts fan for him and Wee-wee to hang with! :)
I still love the way I found out :) I love these pics, can't wait to see how you scrap this one. Welcome to the world of having to do two pages of the same pics :) Hehe, I'm so excited!!!!! I've been praying for Baby H #2 since the day I found out :)
Loves to you!!
Congrats to this new baby. Love the way you told him. When we had our 2nd on the way. I wrote on a onezie for Chad and had Alyssa put it on that said "I'm a big sister" he thought it was great to find out that way.
YAY Darcy!!! Congrats!!!!!
congrats! i just love following your blog....even though i've only commented a time or two. i'm expecting my first baby in february...and can't wait! :) congrats again! :)
Yeah, congratulations! I'm so excited & happy for you guys!
Yay!!! Congratulations! Adie will be the cutest big sister!
Stacy P.
Congratulations. Love how you told your husband. I am expecting my first in Feb. and can't wait to meet my little miracle.
Congratulations! That is pretty funny, because I was seriously just about to ask you when you were going to be having another one! :)
I'm so glad you posted it! I've almost slipped a few times and now I can relax if it comes out. i've been praying so much for another great pregnancy and the preparation of a new addition to the Holsopple klan. Love you all and miss you lots! smooches
oh, so excited for you, darcy!!
congrats, dearest.
Congrats!! I am cooking baby #2 right now as well :) We're due Feb 19th; it's another girl. Hope you feel great! I too took Dollar Store tests--two of them & neither were positive. I finally bought an expensive one & got the positive. I am not a believer, lol! I don't know how you can find out without your husband & get to share the news; mine is always with me when I find out :) If I have another I will try to get to tell him so I can enjoy the surprise, though!!
How exciting!!! I bet you were just itching to share the great news with all of your blog followers. I just realized that you and Wendy are going to have newborns the same age : ) I'm going to be in K-Town this weekend to visit my parents and am hoping to get together with her.
Huge congrats to you all!!!
Enjoy every minute of this pregnancy, time goes by so fast, you'll have baby #2 in your arms before you know it...
YAY!!! Awesome news Darcy! Congratulations!!! xxe
what awesome, happy news!!! congrats again to you guys! what a great way to tell Darin the news. cute pics of Adie in the stroller too!
congratulations!!!!! can't wait to see baby h #2!
and yay for may babies :)
Hey Darcy,
Congratulations on baby #2, how exciting! We miss you guys & wish you the best throughout the pregnancy!
Connie Adkins
congrats...Adrian apologizes he didn't realize when he congratulated you on Friday night that it wasn't quite public knowledge. ooopppss..
Congrats Darcy!
So happy for your growing family.
Congratulations! This is such exciting news! :) Looking forward to hearing all the developments! :)
hey, a HUGE congrats!!! that's fantastic...
Hope everything goes well.
oh darce!
i am sooooooooooooo happy for you!
that makes me THRILLED.
hooray hooray!
Congratulations!!! I just LOVE your blog....hardly ever comment, though. Thanks for making me laugh and for sharing your faith in a very real way! I left you an award over at my blog :)
congrats, sweetie!
that double stroller is quite
the announcement :)
hoping you have a easy,
cliantro-filled pregnancy :)
What an awesome way to tell Daddy! Huge huge congrats to you, Darin and Adie!!!
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