***Here is happy-6:20am-waking-up-Adie with her bead head eating eggs. I'm having a hard time finding breakfast food she likes so we've been having "eeeggg" Doesn't she have great bed head in the mornings? At 6:20am in the morning? Not bitter or anything...

***What hangs on our frig. ----->

The bean. =) Our baby's first picture and a list of girl names we are considering. I made the list and we've both been crossing them off here and there. We've got our boy name so we're trying to come up with a girl name if Baby H is of the girl type!
***It's Fridy so we've got Romp & Roll (baby gymnastics)!!! Only 2 sessions left so our fun is coming to an end. =( Bed head no more!

***Of course she fell asleep on the way home. And wouldn't wake up for lunch. =/
***I haven't showed you guys a picture of the Wee one in awhile! Here he is.. a whooping 9.6 lbs. He had his manly snip-snip last week and it was the best day of our Wee One lives. He was so calm and didn't jump. But he's back to his jumping, onery self now! I hope he doesn't get much bigger.. I like the 10lb looks he's sporting. I love that he's got the Shiz Zhou beard. He's got great bangs too. =) ***Adie and I went to daddy's chapel before the game. It was awesome! Pretty sure it's why the Falcons won AND brought home the NECC Championship! (Our conference) This is the 3rd year in a row they've won it.. way to go, guys!
***We tailgated before the game... pulled pork, sloppy joe's and chili!!! The Wogoman's sure know how to tailgate. =) Thanks for having the Carpenter's, Adie and I!!
***It was homecoming so there were fireworks. They were AMAZING and fireworks in October are super fun. =)
*** Here's my Adie taking in the fireworks. She was in awe. The girl loves her football games!
Love to see that Adie is taking gymnastics classes! YAY! She's on her way to the olympics :)
Darce, I'm so not surprised by this, but you are the only woman I know who would have her almost-1-1/2-year-old in PERFECT double french braids. Seriously. We're lucky if Emma gets a pony tail some days! Seriously, you rock.
total cuteness that last picture..the outfit and the look of amazement.
go Falcons
so cute! i am SOOOOOOOOOO impressed that adie sits so well and that you can do her hair in all those little bands! too cute! you need to give me some tips.........
such a fun project. i'm putting them into their album now :)
so fun to see your day of pictures, Darcy!! Adie's hair & smiles are the cutest :) i love her expression in the fireworks picture. cute girl baby names!
Her hair is so cute! I am glad I'm not expected to do any more with Alexander's hair than make sure there isn't any food in it, because he won't sit still for 5 seconds : ) Looks like a fun day, can't wait to see more...
oh dear. that last photo is adorable.
and the hair is amazing.
i can't imagine....
YOU'RE PREGNANT??!!! I haven't been on my blog forever so I obviously haven't been on yours either to notice. SO excited for you!!!
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