I've had the pleasure of doing 4 photo shoots in the past 10 days.. MY DREAM IS COMING TRUE! So crazy. I get to take crazy fun pictures of kids, families and seniors and people are actually paying me for it. So crazy. I wanted to share some of my fave shots from the last 3 shoots (I forgot to get permission from the 4th family). Here we go!
Miss Colette and her brother Carter.. Darin's cousin from CA is visiting and she wanted some fall pictures taken of her cutie heads. Dude, I'd choose CA over IN any day but IN can do fall pretty well! Here are a few of my faves...

Miss Colette and her brother Carter.. Darin's cousin from CA is visiting and she wanted some fall pictures taken of her cutie heads. Dude, I'd choose CA over IN any day but IN can do fall pretty well! Here are a few of my faves...

Hanni's family!!!
Could this family GET any more photogenic??? SERIOUSLY!
My first senior picture shoot. Dude.. seniors are SO MUCH EASIER than shooting kiddos! I didn't have to chase Jacob once trying to get a good picture. Way to go, Jake! But I wouldn't trade my kiddo pictures for the world.. I love babies AND seniors! AND families.. I don't discriminate!
Just a few pictures of what I've been doing lately. And I have my first engagement pictures shoot coming up too.. The credit goes to JC.. Darin and I were really looking for something for me to do to bring in some family bacon and my photography seems to be the answer. Thank you Jesus!
Darcy I am so glad that the BIG GUY upstairs is lookin out for you..he is good that way.
so glad that your talent is being put to good use. I gotta admit..I am scared having someone else shoot our pictures. I had this great idea for you to do them...but hey gotta take what is free, right? next year...they will be more fun next fall when Jackson is two and walking like a big boy.
great pics by the way...
Darcy, I'm laughing as I'm picturing you chasing down seniors to take their pictures like you do with toddlers!!! so funny. you did a wonderful job with these :) love the senior picture with a tractor. and Hanni and her family are beautiful! what a gorgeous family pic of her with her hubby & baby. I'm so happy for you that you're able to make money doing this :)
awesome pictures!!!!! you're doing a great job, like i've said before- wish you were closer!
oh, and can i say i am such a dork? i was thinking you meant senior citizens when you said seniors. i'm a little embarassed =/
awesome pictures!!!!
I can't wait for our next photo shoot :)
I'm excited to see the way that God is blessing you!!
I'm so happy for you Darcy.
and I'm thrilled to see Hanni and family!
what a cutie baby Anya is! ooooh my goodness. :)
thanks so much for sharing!!! xxxe
good work darcy!! :) if you start taking more wedding photos let me know, we could get you into Veils & Vows. you should check out my friends website, she takes amazing photos and i know photographers are always trying to learn from one another...amandafalesphotography.com.
ALSO, congrats on the baby on the way :) how exciting! All I know is the second pregnancy goes WAY quicker.
~Brooke Shaw
ugh, i'm sorry, that address is amandafales.com (no photography in the address).
Your pictures are awesome! I am SO happy for you for going for you dream and making a little money too! :) You are very talented and I know we will be paying you big bucks someday to take our pictures! Speaking of, I need to schedule some family pics outdoors here soon. I was wanting a fall look and I believe it's here!
love love LOVE it.
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