Made it safely to and from Washington last week. Had a great time with my sister and the twins. There was lots of John & Kate plus 8 shows watched, lots of 17 month olds playing and ice cream ate. I really don't know when I'll be there next with the bun in the oven so it was a much anticipated trip.
Everything went great.. until I tried to fly home. Made it to Seattle just fine and then tried to get to Chicago. See, I was flying stand-by because we've got a super awesome relative that works for an airline that gave me a ticket. Waiting for your name to get called when you fly standby is the most stressful thing ever. Darin had already left to come and get me so he was waiting for me in Chi-town. As the group 5 was boarding and my name had not yet been called.. I swore I was going to hug the gate flight lady when she called my name. But she didnt' get the honor of one of my hugs because she didn't call my name. =( Adie and I sat by ourselves in the gate as everyone but us got on the plane. Kinda felt like the kid on the playground that got their name called last for tag. Our name got called last to come up and get reassigned to the next flight.
3 1/2 hours later after a delay and playing in the Seattle kids playground for over 2 hours total, we boarded a plane home. Curse Chicago winds that closed down all but 2 runways but God bless those same winds that made our flight shorter than it should have been! I am going to write a book called "101 things you can do with a (clean) puke bag with a 17 month old on a plane." We had puppet shows, drew on them and ripped up sales flyers and put them in the bag piece by piece. Twice.
So we got in at 11:30 and seeing Darin at the end of the escalator was the best thing in the entire world. saved my hugs and kisses that the gate agent WOULD have gotten if we got on that first flight for him. Then there was the drive home. Cruising on the toll-road in the rain/snow flurries at 2am.. we pull into the toll booth to see that of course no one is working at 2am.. it's a self stall. Darin puts in our ticket and like 2 more spit out. Great. Finally got it to say $4 and so we start feeding in our dollar bills. Of course we didn't have bills straight from the print shop so it denied 2 of our bills. Push the button to call for help and some chick named Theresa tells us to put in a credit card for the remaining 2bucks. Really, Theresa? If you knew how long this day was you would have shed some grace and opened the blasted doors. I'm not kidding when I tell you it ate our credit card. Well, ate it enough that we couldn't get it out but I'm sure some trucker with tweezers is having a hay day using our credit card. Anywho, Theresa tells us to pull over and her supervisor will be with us in 1-2 hours to retreive our credit card out of the machine. Um, send it to us please. THEN we are about 20 minutes from home and we see a big "road closed" sign on the road we want to take. This is when I lost it. I had to pee so bad I figured if I cried maybe I'd relieve some of the pressure. I think it helped. So we finally got home at 2:30am and I blame my blog for such a trying trip home. You see, my blog loves a good story and frankly I could have done without this story, blog.
I told you I didn't take my camera to WA so I'll leave you with pictures we took the day before we left. I was scoping out new places for taking pictures and by golly, I found some! Got some fun pictures while we were at it. =)
Everything went great.. until I tried to fly home. Made it to Seattle just fine and then tried to get to Chicago. See, I was flying stand-by because we've got a super awesome relative that works for an airline that gave me a ticket. Waiting for your name to get called when you fly standby is the most stressful thing ever. Darin had already left to come and get me so he was waiting for me in Chi-town. As the group 5 was boarding and my name had not yet been called.. I swore I was going to hug the gate flight lady when she called my name. But she didnt' get the honor of one of my hugs because she didn't call my name. =( Adie and I sat by ourselves in the gate as everyone but us got on the plane. Kinda felt like the kid on the playground that got their name called last for tag. Our name got called last to come up and get reassigned to the next flight.
3 1/2 hours later after a delay and playing in the Seattle kids playground for over 2 hours total, we boarded a plane home. Curse Chicago winds that closed down all but 2 runways but God bless those same winds that made our flight shorter than it should have been! I am going to write a book called "101 things you can do with a (clean) puke bag with a 17 month old on a plane." We had puppet shows, drew on them and ripped up sales flyers and put them in the bag piece by piece. Twice.
So we got in at 11:30 and seeing Darin at the end of the escalator was the best thing in the entire world. saved my hugs and kisses that the gate agent WOULD have gotten if we got on that first flight for him. Then there was the drive home. Cruising on the toll-road in the rain/snow flurries at 2am.. we pull into the toll booth to see that of course no one is working at 2am.. it's a self stall. Darin puts in our ticket and like 2 more spit out. Great. Finally got it to say $4 and so we start feeding in our dollar bills. Of course we didn't have bills straight from the print shop so it denied 2 of our bills. Push the button to call for help and some chick named Theresa tells us to put in a credit card for the remaining 2bucks. Really, Theresa? If you knew how long this day was you would have shed some grace and opened the blasted doors. I'm not kidding when I tell you it ate our credit card. Well, ate it enough that we couldn't get it out but I'm sure some trucker with tweezers is having a hay day using our credit card. Anywho, Theresa tells us to pull over and her supervisor will be with us in 1-2 hours to retreive our credit card out of the machine. Um, send it to us please. THEN we are about 20 minutes from home and we see a big "road closed" sign on the road we want to take. This is when I lost it. I had to pee so bad I figured if I cried maybe I'd relieve some of the pressure. I think it helped. So we finally got home at 2:30am and I blame my blog for such a trying trip home. You see, my blog loves a good story and frankly I could have done without this story, blog.
I told you I didn't take my camera to WA so I'll leave you with pictures we took the day before we left. I was scoping out new places for taking pictures and by golly, I found some! Got some fun pictures while we were at it. =)

Please ignore my roots. I'm preggers, remember? Don't like to get my hair highlighted until closer to the end. =)
oh no! what a horrible trip home! so sorry- so much harder wiht a little one, too (even if she was doing well!). so sorry. but glad you got to go out and visit your family!
love love love the pictures, i love brick in pictures. awesome with the blue eyes ;)
oh! and i downloaded picasa 3 for my dad- can't wait to use it myself!!!
Glad you had a good trip Darcy!!! And that you *finally* got home...I'm exhausted just reading about it. :)
Sorry that you had a hard time home. When I flew to S.C. Alison was with me first but on the way home she wasn't. Alyssa was only one year old. It was hard and then when we got to Indy the lost out suitcase ya not fun so they had to bring it to us the next day. Could you image if it would of happen on the way to Alison.
Glad they had the would have been terrible with out that.
Glad you enjoyed the trip.
you are so funny! i'm glad ur trip was good. i miss you and we need to get together soon and catch up. love to the family.
I "heart" the picture of you and Adie :)
Darce - looks like you had a great time! It is so nice that you and Adie got to spend time with Denise and her little ones. You have to check out my pix from the NKOTB concert...I thought of you as I rocked out to them! :) Oh, and excuse my political ranting and raving on my blog...hopefully after next week I can get back to my more fun blog topics. My fingers are crossed so tight for the election outcome...I'm gonna have arthritis! :)
oh gosh, sorry you guys had such a rough trip home!! glad to hear you had a great time with your sister though. cute pics of you guys :)
you look gorgeous, darling.
and that story!
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