Had some pictures taken on Saturday... I took some of the Carpenter's and then Shelly got behind the camera and took some for us. I really like the way they turned out! Thanks, Shelly!

Got her to smile just this once...
Got her to smile just this once...
Smoochy, smooch!
And yeah, this was like the 3rd time I've straightened my hair since Adie was born. Kinda sad.. hey, it's a LONG process!
And I'm pretty sure that the voting results are at a dead tie.
Who knows what we are going to do! Thanks for all the input, though. I LOVED reading it all!
And here are some fun fall pictures of Adie Grace in the leaves. We have a GORGEOUS tree in our front yard that was screaming for me to take pictures of. It's confirmed.. the neighbors REALLY think I'm crazy for making my husband hold my baby up in a tree as I stand on a chair and take pictures of her. Um, normal day in the household. Probably use a few of these for her 18 month pictures...
love those pictures! love your hair!!! so pretty!
i love adie's expression in the one where you two are kissing. she's way too cute!
awww! SUCH cute pictures :)
I was too late to voice my opinion on your previous post, but I vote for #2! finding out on Christmas would be really special too. and then you could plan!
you all look GORGEOUS! Love those photos!
and I'm all for finding out the sex of the baby... but then, I'm nosey and impatient. (quite a combination)
oh, and i LOVE LOVE LOVE those tree pictures! can i tell you how jealous i am that you have trees that beautiful where you live? we stay green pretty much all year here.
love those pictures of adie in the trees. the top one in the trees and the one where you're looking down and she's looking up are my favorite.
Wow your hair is long when it is straight! Those pics of Adie in the tree are so stinkin' cute!!
So, umm, what did you decide to do??
1. your hair is so long!
2. your family is beautiful
3. adie makes my heart melt
i can't wait to see you all this weekend. i really need to be surrounding myself with friends right now. thanks so much for the phone call last night. erin called 15 miutes after you (i thought you told her to call me). :) God knows when we need some lovin! Love you!
those are SO fantastic, darce!!!!!
love that baby girl.
and could you be more gorgeous?
i think not.
Beautiful...love the colors. addy is too cute in that tree..
oh my goodness. the second to the last pic of your girl is my absolute favorite ever! love her looking up at you! also, the brown doors behind your family pics...beautiful!!!
Hi there! I love those pictures of Adie in the leaves. You are just so creative. I would love to do that with my boys but I don't think I could if I tried because they probably wouldn't cooperate. :)
WAY CUTE PICS of your daughter :)
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