Friday, June 09, 2006

Today's 2 reasons why I'm a dork.

Dork reason #1 - Yeah, so Darin told me that my comment in my last post,

"These boys are a dime a dozen.. NO JOKE!! And no, there are only 2 Holsopple boys"..

okay, I MEANT that they are one in a million or any of those other catchy phrases that I always mess up. =/ One time I said to Darin, "Man, that's like calling the kettle a black cat." Yeah, that's the wording we always use for that phrase now. =) I don't even really know how that phrase really goes anymore!! Okay, so dork reason #1 for today is that I don't know figures of speech very well.

Dork reason #2 - I am so freaked out. Two days ago I was asked to run a wedding rehearsal in August. Not be the hostess and not be the chic that tells wht b-maids and cutie flower girl and ring bearer when to high tale down the isle.. RUN THE THING. Like talk into a mic, tell people where to go and when to go there and even more scarier, ACT LIKE I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING. (I seriously hope that Katy isn't reading this right now.. she may totally take away my one chance to be a wedding natzi.) Our head minister is going to be out of town so he can't do it like he usually does. Anywho, back to why this is reason #2 that I'm a dork.. who else thinks that I TOTALLY need that cordless microphone thingy that Ja-Lo wears in The Wedding Planner? You know, to talk to my peeps in the sound booth and all? Oh my gosh!! I am so finding one and wearing it to the dress rehearsal. Yeah, just call me Da-Ho.. LAUGH OUT LOUD!!! Okay, I don't think that anyone would ever call me a "ho" unless they wanted to experience the wrath of Darin, but seriously.. I should create a wedding planning business:

"Da-ho Wedding Agency"

Just think of the clientele I would get!!! That is funny! Anyone else have a hilarious "Ja-lo" name?

Okay, I might possibly be finished being dorky but maybe not. I have still not hit "publish post" on this blog.. there's always room for more stupid things for me to say. =)

Today after work I'm leaving for O-Hi-O!!! My sister asked me to go to a wedding with her a few months ago that's in Ohio. Perfect, we get to spend time together.. just us, our men aren't coming... and I get to see some of my FAVORITE PEAS that o-so-conveintely live in Ohio!!! Whoo--hoo!! So excited. Get to see the birthday girl Rachel and give her the birthday album, Erin & baby Emma will be there and cutie engaged Nichole W. (Also listed on my blog but for some reason blogger won't let me link it?? Darn blogger.) I simply can't wait!!! We're meeting for lunch tomorrow and then heading to Archiver's for a little shoppy-shopping. Erin even suggested doing a challenge together. She emailed us an ad and we are all lifting it. Only rule was that we couldn't post it on 2Peas until after we all see each other's pages tomorrow. SO FUN!!!!! Can't wait to see you all!! And I'm dying to spend time with my sister. We are just about the same person but she's smart and I am not... we haven't hung out together alone in years. =) Woo-hooo!!!

I'll WAS going to leave you with more pics from vaca.. but blogger seriously hates pictures.. I'm convinced. =/

Have a GREAT weekend! I know I will!!!


Elizabeth said...

well, I am pretty sure, that you could not pull off "da HO" wedding thing.. nor a wedding natze!!
actually, I have got some outfits that Andrew refers to me as JLO style!! I certainly would not mind being compared to her.. she's gorgeous!!BUT, she is
definately NOT your style..
but that would be fun.. its really not that hard, esp. if you know how the church operates... i can give a tad bit of advice if you want...
Have an awesome time with your sis.. and meeting Rachel and Erin.. they are just too sweet =)
archivers is amazing..bring lots o $$ !!!

amber said...

I needed a good laugh today and you definitely gave me one with your "Da-Ho". So glad I came across this blog on 2peas. You never cease to make me smile!!!!

Felicia said...

Darcy, you totallly crack me up. I seriously LOL!
Especially when I tried the Ja-Lo with my name. {now that you know my last name, try's way funny}
Have a great weekend. I'm so jealous you get to meet those great Peas.

Kat said...

have so much fun! i'm jealous ; )
and yeah, blogger hasn't been making many people happy recently........

Erin said...

YAY Darcy!! So excited to see you tomorrow. But for the record, it's 10:28 Friday night and I still haven't done my challenge page!

Jill H said...

you are such a card, Darcy :)
heh that you put your funny spin on those figures of speech!! except yeah, i think your Darin is a one in a million, definitely not a dime a dozen!! so funny though.

i know you'll have an amazing weekend w/your sis & the peas, enjoy it =)

& Da-ho totally CRACKED me up!! my name would be J-HA!

Missy said...

Darcy, you KILL me. Cracking me up over here ;)

and I am so jealous of the OHIO get together!!

Darn it.. why do I live in central ohio?? note to self: move north. ;)


Emily said...

so jealous that you get to meet some of my FAVE peas, and that they get to meet you :)

Oh yeah...and we should totally go into wedding planning TOGETHER, right? heehee

rev said...

O Da-Ho you freaking funny girl. I wish I had you to plan my wedding.... when we do get married.... in a few years from now. It's 'only' 5 years ago now that I asked him (haha...). Well... I'm seriously thinking about taking blogger over....not letting us all upload pictures is to freaking frustrating....who wants to sign in :)