That is the view from the toliet. =) Oh what a pretty view it is. So, one room is almost completely finished in our household. Just have a little more painting to go and some curtains to make. Oh, and some pulls on the cabinets. And I want to find a place for the pretty towels that Darin doesn't understand why we don't use because they are the pretty show towels. But other than all that, the bathroom is almost finished!
So Adie is getting a tooth. Actually, I think she may be getting two teeth. Not cool for a 2 month old. =/ She was a bit of a crank in Tennessee and I thought it was because we were at aunt Denise boot camp whom only let Adie nurse every 3 hours instead of me letting her nurse whenever she wanted to. Guess she was using me as her own personal pacifer. Anywho, tonight we just listened to Adie scream for over an hour. Yeah. It's so hard to console her when there's nothing we can do for her.. we are just guessing it's the little white hard things that are coming in on her gums. Who knows.. maybe she just doesn't like us? It can't be that. We dress her in adorable little halter bellytops with khaki shorts.Who could hate parents that dressed you so cutely?
SO yeah, the girl loves to suck. Suck anything but a pacifer. Including our arms. Only a selected few get to be apart of the Adie hickey club. Hey, when the girl screams straight for a few hours, you'll do anything to have her quiet for even 4 minutes. Kayla Aimee.. hope you like hickey's on your arm cuz Adie's just waiting to give you one in ONE WEEK!! I am getting so excited for your visit! Yipee!!
K, I'll leave you with pictures of our little fish today at the pool. We thought she'd love the pool because she loves bathtime. Um, we were wrong... So we tried the kiddy pool...
Ooooo.. that's better!
Or not. =/
Least she looks super cute in the bathing suit aunt Natalie got her. Thanks aunt Natalie!!!!!
So cute! Thanks for the update. Adie looks absolutely adorable in her swimsuit :)
o poor things, getting teeth already is no fun!! and she sure is the cutest thing ever in those clothes. and IT CANNOT BE YOU 2. maybe she things her mom is a bit wacko, but that's okay. she will get used to you. eventually :) and you sure have to get some ritme in feeding the babe. if they have anything to say for it, you sure are her personal pacifier LOL. Sanne always sucked on anything too close to her mouth, but NOT the pacifier LOL. Ruben has found his thumb! wow. what a relief. it sure helps him to relax a little. haha, and swimmingpool pics are too cute!!
enjoy sweetie,
Oh My goodness..... I love he way you decorate. I love your taste and your colors. You need to come to my house... and yes we have towels that are only "lookey loo" towels too! LOL.... Don't worry Adie doesn't hate you ... she's just learning. She needs hurricane gel for those toothies.... and as for the hickeys ...normal too! Get a washcloth, wet it, put it in the freezer.... let her suck on it... helps poor baby gums! Good luck girlie!
Psst.... the belly top and shorts... OMG .. too cute!
the bathroom looks great. Adie is getting so big. I totally forgot about the frozen cloth thing. She would probably like that. She sure has a mind of her own so who know. I miss you both so much!
she is adorable....
and such a peanut.
loving the updates...
(ok, and the bathroom.)
Oh. My. Goodness. i LOVE the pictures. all of them! love her cute outfits, and i'm cracking up at the last pouty face picture. so the loving bathtime doesn't translate to loving the pool, too? guess its a good thing i didn't sign jessica up for baby swim lessons!!!
seriously darcy, she is getting so cute! getting so big, too!
and i swear jessica's been teething since two months. and its driving me batty. someone told me that the teeth come up and go back down or something. dont' knwo what thats about.........
Your little girl is such A GIRL!!!!!! I love the bow she wears in all her pictures and those adorable outfits. She's absolutely adorable !!!!!
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