Saturday, July 31, 2010

Adie's funnyism...

Adie has been cracking us up lately.  The girl is hilarious. 

Many of you that know her know that she plays with her belly button.  Like pulls it out so far it looks like an elephant trunk. 

I like to exaggerate and I'm not exaggerating at all. 

Like it used to be an innie and now its an outie . About a week ago Darin was laying on the floor without his shirt on and Adie looked at his innie, normal belly button and asks him,

"Daddy.  Did your belly button die?"

He told her,

"Nope!  That's what yours looked like until you got to it!"

Then this morning she was watching a cartoon and she told me,

"Daddy watched this cartoon too when he was a little girl."

Love it!

Then this morning the girls were SO GROUCHY so at 12:30, a half an hour early for nap, I had had it.  I told them both it was time for naps.  I put Adie in her bed and gave her 2 books and told her to read on her own and go to sleep and I shut the door.  She opens the door back up and shouts at me,

"But I can't read yet!"

Oh gosh.  Had to hide the laughing with that one!
Here's a picture of a little mini shoot we did a few weeks ago. In a corn field. Cuz we've got plenty of those round these parts!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Little creating...

I'm going to call this "creating" because it's been so long since I've done anything creative... this counts! Got the girls cute little backpacks at Joann Fabrics right before our trip to Iowa for all their quit-screaming-in-the-car goodies. 
Two for $5. 
Pretty sure they are going to break soon but hey, doesn't everything a kid play with break?  They were a tad bit too plain for me so I added their names with a needle and some embroidery floss.
Here they are showing them off for you.  =)

This is the last full day of my Darin's summer break. =(  Next Monday starts 2-a-day's so he'll be consumed with football. Love that he loves it but man, I've sure enjoyed July with him around!

BUT.. he's been working on our front porch like mad the last few days. He's covered our columns with limestone to match our house, is about to tile our front porch stoops and has edged our landscaping with even more limestone.  Someone told us of a home that was being torn down and they let us go and take all the limestone we could ever want from it.  So we are using THOUSANDS of dollars of limestone on the house and didn't pay a penny!  I'll show pictures when we are finished.  When I say "we" I mean I go out every couple of hours and answer questions for the hubs on what to do with all this limestone.  =)  Our front porches have been on the list to fancy up and de-70's-ify since we bought this place.. can't wait to show you guys the end results!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bring it, 30!!!

Welp, it's here!  My 30th Birthday! 

Kinda weird.. kinda ok. =) 

I am exactly where I wanted to be in life when I turned 30. An AMAZING hubby, two cutie-head girls, a house, a dog.. and a minivan. Well, the minivan wasn't on the list but I got one.. icing on the cake!  HA!

There was one big ol' goal I wanted to achieve at 30.. wanted to make sure I could still do a backhand-spring.  On my bucket list and everything.  This morning before my jog I went out to the front yard and had Darin video it for ya...

I can still do it!

Probably gunna feel it tomorrow, but I can still do it!

This morning my Adie told me happy birthday and I asked her how old she thought I was.  She replied, "How bout you turn 3 like me?"

My hubs is cleaning the house as we speak and I have an afternoon of laying on a raft at the pool with some friends kidless.. shrimp and sweet corn charlie's for dinner.. 30 is look pretty good!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Cruise post #4.. and the last one!

Don't want to bore you guys too much with cruise pics.. Here's to the last post!
Have I ever mentioned how much of a romantic my Darin is? On the way down he had made a new CD of songs for our 5 year anniversary.  He loaded them on our ipod and  even got a spliter so that we both could listen to the songs at the same time . Isn't that too sweet ?
And the last night of dinner he had our server bring me a love letter to our table.  It was so, so sweet. 

Here are a few more dinner pictures...

And for the last few funny things. 
When we got there Melissa realized that she need a few things laundered because they wrinkled from travel.  She started reading the laundry list haging on a hanger inside their closet and got frustrated and said,

"I can't even read this.. I don't know this lingo."

I took the list from her and said,

"Melissa, that's in French."


Then the last one..

As we were porting at Nassua I made the stupid comment,

"I would love to find some authentic mexican food."

Yep, totally forgot we were in the Bahamas and not Mexico. My fellow travelers were even nice enough not to tell me I wasn't in Mexico until I said it a second time...


So all in all, totally had fun and can't wait to go on another one.  But you know what the best part was?

Coming home to my munchkins. =)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adie's "Gyn"nastics Camp

Figured out how to add a video.. read the blog below for more of her gyn-nastics camp details. =)  My first ever video on the ol' blog!  Only been almost 5 years and over 500 posts!  Woot-woot!

We interupt this cruise blogging...

For some "gyn"astics camp pictures!  I was gunna debut my first ever video on my blog but I can't figure out how to load it.  Now that I have a point-n-shoot I have that handy video feature!  We have a video camera but it's super time consuming to get it on the puter and burned onto CD's and I don't know how to edit them to get them to put them up for your viewing pleasure. Obviously I'm not smart enough to get my point-n-shoot videos up here.. not smart enough to edit from the video camera! 

Anywho, Adie did a preschool gymnastics camp this week and had a ton of fun!  Of course I took some pictures.. wanted to share them with you!
Told her to strike a pose on our deck before we left for her first day.  This is what she came up with...
Love it. =)
And as you can see.. she's pretty excited...

And we can't leave Joya out!  She's struck her pose too!  Complete with bedhead and PJ's!
Here is Adie with Miss Nika.  Can you see her tongue out?? She had her tongue out with EVERYTHING she did!  I was hoping we wouldn't have to reattach her tongue after she bit it off doing what she called, "flips". That was her favorite part every day.. the "flips".  We'll have to work on terminology of schtuff....
Again, tongue out...
She even had her tongue out while waiting her turn!
Which was another issue.  This was the first time she had to sit on her circle.  We haven't done preschool yet (starting in September) so the whole "sit on your circle until it's your turn" was totally forgeign to her.  We talked to her about it at dinner after the first day and the next day she sat on her circle.. along with everyone else's she could steal during their turn!  One time she was sitting on 5 circles.. I guess she was trying really hard to sit on her circle.. along with everyone elses in her group!
This is my favorite picture of the week.  LOVE it!!!  So excited to be in "gyn"astics!
And we can't leave Joya out!  She did this most of the week...
hung on my legs as I pumped her full of sippy cup and snacks.  She also worked the crowd.  Darin took Adie one day and he said that he hardly held Joya the entire time.  She tried out all the other mom's laps.  =)
And a funny thing Adie said to her teacher.  Alison was one of my former gymnasts so I got to hear the story the next day.  Their team was the "jumping jaguars" so they pretended to be jaguars on the floor for a few extra minutes they had in a rotation.  Adie stopped after a bit and Ali asked her, 
"Adie, why aren't you pretending to be a jaguar?"

To which Adie replied, 

"Can't we all just be girls again?"

LOVE that girl!!! 

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cruise post #3

You know how they fold your towels on cruises?  Of course I took pictures...

Well, they fold things for you to wear at dinner too.  =) 
And they had live music at dinner every night too.  What did Melissa request to be played? 
The Titanic theme song, but of course!  Just kidding.. we didn't know what to tell them to play so they started playing it all on their own.  So clever.
Here's some more dinner pics!
And a huge highlight of the trip was snorkeling.  It was my first time and I HATE swimming so this was major for me!  They had a sunken ship and airplane that we got to look at.  So cool. =) 
And love this pic too. =)  Again, private island that Royal Caribbean owns....
This is always a fun picture.. these are all the boats lined up in Nassau.  Ours was the 2nd from the left.
Time for a Melissa doosey!  We got the port the first day and before we sailed off and Darin saw a NASA base in Port Canavaral.  He makes a comment that he would love to go to NASA someday..

Melissa doesn't hear "NASA" quite right and says,

"Nassau?  You can see Nassua from here?"

Love it. =) That's probably one you had to "be there" for but man, we had a good laugh!

Cruise post #2

Ok.. time for blog post numero 2!!! 

And to clear a few things up.. yes, we knew Zack and Melissa. They are good friends of ours and Darin and Zack coach together. This means Melissa and I bond while they are away at football and sit together at all the games.  We also go to the same church and Gage (their 5 year old) is going to marry my Adie. We didn't meet a random couple and take a million pictures of them.  =)  And Kayla and Jeff were planning to come but weren't able to this time around.  It was a bummer but such a blessing in disguise.. she's pregnant and has a few scares so being on a ship with pregnant scares would not have been fun!  We had also invited a few other couples but they weren't able to make it this time around either.  So yeah, that's the background of who was and wasn't with us. =)

Ok, now for more pics and more funny comments!!
We rented a car in Orlando for the first night.  We got there on Sunday and our ship didn't leave until Monday.  To our surprise, this was our rental!!!
And yes, that is rain. =/ Didn't make much difference to us!  Were able to put the top down here and there between rain clouds...
Here's another pic of the private island.  It was the highlight for all 4 of us. This is Darin and I chilling out...
And yes, those are beads of sweat on my lip.  It was only like 105!  Well, it seemed like it was 105...
And here is my sexy man reading his bible on the beach.. getting ready for some camp speaking coming up!
And after last week I'm happy to announce that his farmers/track tan is gone!  His chest and back are looking mighty fine and tan. Hubba, hubba!
And had to show a pic of Zack and Melissa on the bright wall. This one was my fave of them against the fun wall.  =) So candid. So them. 
And here is their smiley one against the wall.  =)
And Darin's and I's non-kissy-face pic against the fun wall...
Yes, I liked the wall.  Tomorrow's post will not have wall pictures.  Promise.
Did I tell ya that we caught the sunset every night?  Here is a fun one of Zack and Melissa at dusk...
And I'll share one of my doosies from the cruise. 

Every night at dinner you have the same server.  (FYI for those cruise virgins)  Ours was from the Philippines.  She was totally awesome.  One night we were chatting about her and stupid me says,

"Isn't she from the Philistines?"

Um, that's not right.  =/  I knew it the second I said it that it was wrong as Darin and the Worthman's laughed. 

Oops. Yeah, she really didn't look very Hebrew. =/

More tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cruise post #1

Annnnnd we're back!  We got back late Friday night from our 4 night/5 day bahama cruise.  It was AMAZING!  Our traveling went well, the weather was awesome and the company was a riot.  Zack and Melissa were the perfect couple to cruise with.. we had so much in common and had a blast! 

Not to mention I wasn't the only one saying ditzy things.. it was great to share that spotlight. 

 I wrote down  5 HILARIOUS things we all (cept my debonair hubby) said.  So I'll do 5 posts with cruise pictures!  Everyone keeps asking me to see em... wish I could have posted them sooner.  We arrived home to a dead computer.  Yeah, shot my first wedding the day before we left on the cruise and already felt totally behind on edits.. then came home to a fried puter.  Shopped for one yesterday and am happily on our new one!  Nothing like dropping a butt load of cash right after vacay.. oh well, what's done is done!  Without further ado... a few pictures and the first HILARIOUS thing that Zack said on our cruise. 
This is the private island that Royal
owns.  We were there all day Tuesday and had to take a ferry to get there. You can see our boat in the distance here...
It was perfect because Zack and Darin loved to be in the water and snorkel and such and Melissa and I did A LOT of this...
Laying on a raft in the ocean on a private island?  Um, paradise.
We were in Nassau all day Wednesday and found a super fun brightly painted wall... photo ops!!!

Did a fun one of Zack and Melissa too but I'll post that another day.  haven't edited it yet!
We were able to catch the sunset every night from the ship.. one of my faves of the Worthman's...
They are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary this summer and we are celebrating our 5th.  Hopefully we won't have to wait another 5 years to go again!
And Darin and I that same night... isn't the sky gorgeous?
So yeah.. round #1 of pictures.  =)  And now for the funny thing Zack said ...

He walked up to the cruise worker and asked him, AS SERIOUS AS ALL GET OUT...

"Excuse me, what time does the midnight buffet start?"

And then I bout wet my undies from laughing so hard. 

The nice worker nodded, and replied,

"Well, midnight, sir."


Stay tuned for more blog entries and stories!  And I can laugh at Zack because I had two doosies of my own!  Gotta go edit the couple hundred wedding pics I took on the 3rd...

Thursday, July 01, 2010

just when there wasn't anything to blog about...

my baby starts chucking things in the toliet so that mommy does, in fact have something to blog about.

And yes, that would be toliet paper swimming around in there with the sippy. 
Wish I could blame the lack of flushing on my hubby or my 3 year old but nope, that was all me!
Forgot to flush cuz I jumped in the shower shortly after.
It's not good when you hear your baby say, "Ut-ut".
(Translation, "Ut, oh")
She was taking matters into her own hands and was fishing out the sippy all by herself.
Ah, love my life!

It may be the last...

My friend Amanda is letting me borrow her point-n-shoot camera for our upcoming cruise and yeah, how have I not lived without one of these for 2 years? SO HANDY!  And it's hot pink.  Um, perfect. =)
Took a fun picture this morning of my gummy Joya Jae... realizing this might be the last gummy grin picture I ever take.  =(  My 14 month old is finally cutting teeth!  I think all 4 are coming at once...